тоже мост

06:44 | 21-11-2009 | Architecture, Literature | 1 Comment

определенно, я выискиваю параллели там, где их нет:

Its steel bones, its stranded tendons, were lost within an accretion of dreams: tattoo parlors, gaming arcades, dimly lit stalls stacked with decaying magazines, sellers of fireworks, of cut bait, betting shops, sushi bars, unlicensed pawnbrokers, herbalists, barbers, bars. Dreams of commerce, their locations generally corresponding with the decks that had once carried vehicular traffic; while above them, rising to the very peaks of the cable towers, lifted the intricately suspended barrio, with its unnumbered population and its zones of more private fantasy.

но удержаться тоже не могу:

Called Rotterdam Market Hall, the building will comprise 228 apartments forming a tunnel over the market hall, glazed at each end.

The market hall itself will house 100 market stalls, shops and restaurants.

уже писал о них, кстати


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