теория графов

09:42 | 26-04-2010 | Facebook, Internet | 6 Comments

еще немного о том же — во-первых, небольшое введение:

Facebook has recently launched a new version of F8 (their development platform) with Open Graph connectivity. You can now “Like” fanpages (instead of “Become a fan”) and with external sites like Pandora, if you “Like” the website (connect to it) you’ll get updates on music. <...> For example, say I had a button called Like on this blog. You could click on that Facebook Like button and your friends on Facebook will get a newsfeed item saying “WhateverYourNameIs likes LaurelPapworth.com”. But it doesn’t stop there. Now everytime you are on Flickr, or Slideshare, my stuff will come up first. Good for me. But do you really want to be tracked like that?

Марк Зукерберг:

This next version of Facebook Platform puts people at the center of the web. It lets you shape your experiences online and make them more social. For example, if you like a band on Pandora, that information can become part of the graph so that later if you visit a concert site, the site can tell you when the band you like is coming to your area.


For example, now if you’re logged into Facebook and go to Pandora for the first time, it can immediately start playing songs from bands you’ve liked across the web [emphasis mine]. And as you’re playing music, it can show you friends who also like the same songs as you, and then you can click to see other music they like.

очевидно, что Зукерберг хочет видеть Facebook, как отправную точку любого интернет-приложения:

Facebook is trying to be more than the identity system for the web. They are trying to be the identity system for everything. There’s no limit because they’ve (correctly) understood that the web can and in many ways does model our reality. Yelp has pages that represent restaurants. IMDB pages rep movies. None of these things had identity until now.

и это даже не то, что в свое время не удалось OpenID (или, вернее, что они не захотели сделать), а куда шире. но в то же время и куда опаснее, ага:

So perhaps there’s a compromise? Let me implement my own Like feature and have it connect up to Facebook through a feed. And let it connect up to Facebook’s competitors just as easily. I’m sure the smart guys at Facebook could figure out how to do this, perhaps they already have? I’m willing to do a little extra work to keep the web independent of any one company.


<...> this is about more than identifying us. This structure leads to identifying places, sites, data, information. We will add a tremendously valuable layer of data atop the world – what we look at, what we like, what our friends like…. That is the wisdom of the crowd. Who owns that wisdom? No one but us. If you add value to it, you can extract that value (that’s what search engines do). But if you own the crowd’s wisdom then isn’t the crowd screwed?


6 Responses to “теория графов”

  1. […] еще одна точка зрения: There is something interesting about Facebook’s announcement of the (not really open) Open Graph that has received less press; the fact that Facebook is a private company. No one knows for sure how much of the company Zuckerberg and others own, but it wouldn’t likely be difficult for him to put together 51% of the company. What that means is that a private individual (or small group of individuals) own virtually everyone’s online identities. The difference between a private company and a public company owning these identities, is that a private one is under no legal obligation to try to make a profit with them. This makes a private company’s actions very difficult to predict/understand. I’m not saying Zuckerberg isn’t a good guy, I’m saying its too much responsibility for one 25 year old.    […]

  2. […] есть, очевидно, что используя, например, свежепредставленный Open Graph (или — при достаточной смелости и […]

  3. […] так завтра сегодня и поступает […]

  4. […] за глобальной кнопкой “Like” Facebook, очевидно, видит страницы своих пользователей, […]

  5. […] завтра? поэтому Зукерберг и торопится сегодня — изменяет сеть, запускает все больше развлечений… крадет ваше […]

  6. […] или, например, что такое Facebook? “On the desktop, they were a platform,” [BTIG analyst Richard Greenfield] says. “On mobile devices, they’re just another app. If their app becomes more interesting, they have to either create new ones, or buy new ones to keep people engaged.” […]

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