будущие Гутенберги

12:56 | 23-05-2010 | Apple, Technology | 2 Comments

замечательная статья Кена Аулетта в “Нью-Йоркере” о реалиях и перспективах книгоиздания. первые, кстати, для печатников выглядят устрашающе:

E-books are booming. Although they account for only an estimated three to five per cent of the market, their sales increased a hundred and seventy-seven per cent in 2009, and it was projected that they would eventually account for between twenty-five and fifty per cent of all books sold. But publishers were concerned that lower prices would decimate their profits.

там же много интересного про Амазон, его соперничество с Эппл, ценообразование, связи издателей со своими читателями (и магазинами) и книжные рынки вообще.

но вот немного о другом:

According to Grandinetti, publishers are asking the wrong questions. “The real competition here is not, in our view, between the hardcover book and the e-book,” he says. “TV, movies, Web browsing, video games are all competing for people’s valuable time. And if the book doesn’t compete we think that over time the industry will suffer.

и дальше:

In Grandinetti’s view, book publishers—like executives in other media—are making the same mistake the railroad companies made more than a century ago: thinking they were in the train business rather than the transportation business. To thrive, he believes, publishers have to reimagine the book as multimedia entertainment. David Rosenthal, the publisher of Simon & Schuster, says that his company is racing “to embed audio and video and other value-added features in e-books. It could be an author discussing his book, or a clip from a movie that touches on the book’s topic.” The other major publishers are working on similar projects, experimenting with music, video from news clips, and animation. Publishers hope that consumers will be willing to pay more for the added features. The iPad, Rosenthal says, “has opened up the possibility that we are no longer dealing with a static book. You have tremendous possibilities.”



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  2. […] слову о книгопечатании — вот первые результаты нового проекта Нила […]

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