
18:23 | 20-10-2010 | Economics, Facebook, Internet, Twitter | No Comments

прекрасная статья о том, насколько сильно Twitter недоценен, и чем этот сервис отличается от Facebook:

Facebook has utterly dominated the definition of the “social graph” to the point that conventional wisdom in Silicon Valley says that they have “already won social.” Few analysts seem to notice that the particular definition of “social graph” promulgated by Facebook—people you already know in real life—is not the only possible social graph. In fact, Facebook’s future revenue will actually be built on top of another social graph: the social interest graph, aka Pages & Likes.

An interest graph differs from the “people you know in real life” social graph in that it is:

  • Built on one-way following rather than two-way friending
  • Organized around shared interests, not personal relationships
  • Public by default, not private by default
  • Aspirational: not who you were in the past or even who you are, but who you want to be

ровно так все и есть: один social graph нисходит вниз, к своему прошлому, к тем, кого знаешь лично и их интересам, — другой же, напротив, идет вперед, к тому, что тебе интересно, и, через это, к тем, с кем хочешь общаться (ага-ага).

и дальше будет только еще больше занимательнее:

But Twitter is in theory even better positioned than Facebook to capitalize on the social interest graph. Its keys components are:

  1. The composition of the social graph
  2. The value of the data flowing through it
  3. The volume of the data

но растет все, да, именно отсюда:

Twitter makes me like people I’ve never met and Facebook makes me hate people I know in real life.


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