по одежке

09:24 | 21-06-2011 | Apple, Copyright | No Comments

другой интересный аспект — это не будет ли iTunes Match легализацией пиратской музыки? и в самом деле:

If iTunes Match does indeed process pirated music without issue, there’s no question that legitimate iTunes shoppers are the ones that end up looking dumb. Let’s say you download 50 albums from illegitimate sources, like torrent sites. With the $25.95 iTunes Match annual fee, you can download high-quality legitimate copies for about $0.50 per album. Compare that to probably around $9.99 per album when purchased legally through the iTunes Store, plus the $25 iTunes Match fee if you want that service.

хотя, скорее, — учитывая общее падение продаж — все получается с точностью до наоборот:

What it does do, however, is allow record companies to recoup some of the losses associated with piracy, by effectively charging for music that was already stolen. In the example above, we saw how 50 albums works out to just $0.50 per year with iTunes Match if the music is pirated, but that’s still a massive increase when compared to the big goose egg.


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