мой кошелек

11:47 | 27-12-2011 | Internet | No Comments

как всегда, запоздало начинаю понимать, отчего Apple никогда не занималась социальными сетями[1] — потому что уровень разочарования может внезапно зашкалить:

[T]he social media networks have a new trick. They can expose enough information for banks and credit agencies to determine your credit risk. Some banks are looking at this right now, and, according to BetaBeat, may implement it soon. One company already uses the method and is probably the first to implement it.

как там принято нынче говорить? “идите ко мне, бандерлоги!”

This should be interesting to watch as credit agencies and banks develop this idea more and actually implement it. For the time being, however, choose your friends wisely.

[1] — well, you know, не занималась.


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