а руки-то — вот они

09:30 | 29-12-2011 | Censorship, Google | No Comments

вслед за требованием об использовании настоящих имен, Google решил и в самом деле побыть Старшим Братом:

Earlier today I noticed something funny. My Google profile picture — the picture associated with my Gmail account, my GChat account, my Google+ account, etc — had vanished. A bug? Nope.

It turns out, Google — without telling me — went into my account and deleted my profile picture. Why? Because I am giving the middle finger in it.

очень мило, правда-правда:

My problem isn’t so much with the fact that I couldn’t have a profile picture of myself giving everyone the finger — which I can and do on Twitter and elsewhere — it’s that no one bothered to tell me or warn me before they just went into my account and deleted the picture. What if this was the only place I had stored the picture?

не говоря уже, в общем, о деталях:

<...> Google describes Plus as “sharing in real life”. It describes it as an “identity service”. The middle finger, pointed at no-one in particular, is hardly a scandalous gesture; here it triggers a vaguely-defined policy that’s being applied to a service marketed heavily as a public venue for free expression.

и что дальше?

In Greece it is an insult to show the palms of your hands to people, in the Middle East the soles of your shoes, is Google going to start censoring this kind of stuff too?

мне кажется, если вы пользуетесь Google+, то будет только в ваших интересах показать им эту птичку. любая цензура вообще есть зло, но цензура абсурдная — это еще и элементарно непредсказуемые проблемы и неудобства в будущем.


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