на крыльях весны

14:46 | 26-03-2012 | Copyright, Internet, Lifeform | No Comments

недавно волшебные The Pirate Bay рассказали, что переместят свои сервера на управляемые с помощью GPS дроны — и я, глупец, не поверил, а совершенно зря:

A few days ago The Pirate Bay announced that in future parts of its site could be hosted on GPS controlled drones. To many this may have sounded like a joke, but in fact these pirate drones already exist. Project “Electronic Countermeasures” has built a swarm of five fully operational drones which prove that an “aerial Napster” or an “airborne Pirate Bay” is not as futuristic as it sounds.

и в самом деле, как и было сказанно:

“Everyone knows WHAT TPB is. Now they’re going to have to think about WHERE TPB is,” The Pirate Bay team told TorrentFreak.

люблю их.


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