seeing like digital devices

06:09 | 31-05-2012 | Art, Lifeform, Technology | No Comments

плюс, New Aesthetic — это именно весь предыдущий накопленный опыт, ссылки на другие работы, что, в свою очередь. говорят еще о других, и так далее — как вниз, по шкале времени, так и вширь, раздвигая пространство:

But today’s world is one of inclusion rather than exception. The New Aesthetic doesn’t have individual effects, but only aggregated ones, just as a technology startup can’t serve a niche audience but only the largest one possible. Bridle insists that it “is not a movement.” A movement draws a line in the sand, but an aggregator collects seashells. Instead of drawing up dictates he pins curiosities to his digital pinboard. In a century, art has evolved from caprice into bric-a-brac. The Futurists crashed cars; the New Aestheticians assemble scrapbooks.

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[T]rue alien might be unrecognizable; it might not have an intelligence akin to our intelligence, or even one we could recognize as intelligence. Rather than wondering if alien beings exist in the cosmos, let’s assume that they are all around us, everywhere, at all scales. Everything is an alien to everything else. It is ultimately impossible for one thing to understand the experience of another, but we can speculate about the withdrawn, inner experience of things based on a combination of evidence–the exhaust they leave behind–and poetics–the speculative work we do to characterize that experience.


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