Archives for July 2012

mostly landscapes, some nudes

31 July 2012 | Cinematograph | No Comments

кстати, если в кинематографе и остались сказочники, то это Уэс Андерсон, разумеется, — в “Королевстве полной Луны” удивительно, по-настоящему сказочно легко:

Sam: [In the women’s dressing room] What kind of bird are you?
White Bird in Noah’s Ark play: [Starting to point to the other actresses] She’s a sparrow, I’m a…
Sam: [Cutting her off] No no.
[Points to Suzy]
Sam: What kind of bird are ‘you’?
Suzy: I’m a raven.

рассекая обыденность крыльями, именно.


о доступе

30 July 2012 | Design, Software | No Comments

может олимпийский проект Рамблера и наиболее благообразный среди всех их прошлых работ — но разработка BBC настолько невообразимо удобна, что все равно остается только учиться.


в поисках чудесного

30 July 2012 | Geography, Linguistics, Literature | 4 Comments

немецкий язык не устает поражать:

Fernweh is what the Germans call that longing for faraway places, the poetic certainty that things are better elsewhere. But there is a superlative degree of geographic desire, a Fernweh even more sublime: the ache for fictional faraway places.

параллели очевидны:

[О]н принялся рассказывать о Вейссу. Как они туда добирались – на верблюдах через бескрайнюю степь, мимо дольменов и храмов мертвых городов, пока не выехали к широкой реке, которая никогда не видит солнца – столь густо укрыта она листвой. По реке они плыли на длинных тиковых лодках, вырезанных в форме драконов и управляемых смуглыми людьми, говорившими на известном только им языке. Потом их восемь дней несли через предательские болота до зеленого озера, на другом берегу которого виднелись подножия гор, окружающих Вейссу. Местные проводники далеко не пойдут. Они лишь укажут дорогу и вернутся назад. Одну или две недели, в зависимости от погоды, нужно пробираться через морены, отвесные гранитные скалы и твердый синий лед, пока не достигнешь границ Вейссу.

достигнем ли когда-нибудь?


the feed

30 July 2012 | Design, Technology | No Comments

былые прогнозы становятся реальностью:

An American gunsmith has become the first person to construct and shoot a pistol partly made out of plastic, 3D-printed parts. The creator, user HaveBlue from the AR-15 forum, has reportedly fired 200 rounds with his part-plastic pistol without any sign of wear and tear.



29 July 2012 | Software | No Comments

quote of the day:

I am a geek myself, and even a specialist in organizing complex clusters of information, but my own file systems always sucked. Picture this: I have a degree in philosophy and have worked for almost 15 years as an information architect. I enjoy playing chess, reading Kant, and thinking about the correct order and hierarchy of words all day long…

…and yet I hate, always hated, and always will hate thinking about organizing files. I just want them out of sight. I used to blame that on my laziness. But maybe it’s not just that. Thinking about how to deal with files prevents me from working.


потаенное окно

28 July 2012 | Cinematograph | 2 Comments

из сериала:

Nate Fisher: Hey, I don’t even know what a soul mate is, do you?
Rabbi Ari: The person who makes you be the most “you” that you could possibly be. [Pause] Maybe your soul mate… is the person… who forces your soul to grow the most.
Nate Fisher: Not all growth feels good.



28 July 2012 | AI, Amazon, Copyright, Lifeform, Technology | 1 Comment

вот, пожалуйста:

A pair of artist-coders have unleashed a small army of bots designed to flood the Kindle e-book store with texts comprised entirely of YouTube comments. According to the artists, even they have no idea how many books their autonomous bots are posting to the store.

даже смешно, говорят — и я охотно этому верю:

The Internet slang of YouTube comments is treated as fresh dialogue, and sold through in the form of massive, self-generated e-books. In an auto-cannibalistic model, user generated content is sold back to the users themselves, parasitically exploiting both corporations: YouTube and Amazon.

The GHOST WRITERS project’s aim is to address and identify pertinent questions concerning the digital publishing industry’s business models, as well as to draw the lines of new trends for a possible new kind of digital literature, after the web.

плюс, и еще один интересный аспект:

[W]ho do YouTube videos/comments belong to? Where does authorship start and end? To what extent does the e-book format have to be reconsidered with regard to the traditional book form, and what are its most innovative opportunities?



communication must become total

27 July 2012 | Metaphysics | No Comments

Уильям С. Берроуз:

It is the function of the artist to evoke the experience of surprised recognition: to show the viewer what he knows but does not know that he knows.


make love, not war

26 July 2012 | Art | No Comments

фетишистам из [info]chto_chitat понравилось бы , я уверен.


искусственный отбор

25 July 2012 | Apple, Google, Software | No Comments

quote of the day:

As improved as Jelly Bean is, Android still feels at times like it’s a work in progress, and at other times like it’s purposely trying not to be too much like iOS. Things Apple got right years ago — standard UI elements, scrolling acceleration, scroll to top, text insertion points, password-entry cues, and many more — are either missing from Android or poorly implemented.

о, да.