directing the administration

13:14 | 21-05-2013 | Jurisprudence, Philosophy, Politics | 1 Comment

кстати, об оружии и валютах — очевидно же, если вспомнить Макса Вебера, что это самые простые случаи нарушения государственной монополии на насилие:

[T]the modern state is a compulsory association which organizes domination. It has been successful in seeking to monopolize the legitimate use of physical force as a means of domination within a territory. To this end the state has combined the material means of organization in the hands of its leaders, and it has expropriated all autonomous functionaries of estates who formerly controlled these means in their own right. The state has taken their positions and now stands in the top place.

естественно, они будут сопротивляться.


One Response to “directing the administration”

  1. […] что государства, разумеется, не допустят угрозы своей монополии на насилие. и в известном смысле, биткойны тоже можно трактовать, […]

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