Archives for July 2013


31 July 2013 | Google, Hardware, Software | 2 Comments

еще о фрагментации — на этот раз от разработчиков BBC iPlayer:

Today we have an Android development team that is almost 3 times the size of the iOS team.

ну да, ну да:

Distinct Android devices seen this year: 11,8683,997
Devices surveyed for this report: 682,000
Samsung’s share of those devices: 47.5%
Android versions still in use: 8
Android users on Jelly Bean: 37.9%

к слову, там же, в отчете, есть чудесные графики, просто изумительные — очень рекоммендую посмотреть.

или вот еще аналогичный пример, но под другим углом:

In one illustrative example of Apple’s dominance, Electronic Arts’ The Simpsons: Tapped Out earned $4.8 million combined in the month of April. Of that revenue, 79 percent came from the iOS App Store, while the remaining 21 percent was a result of gamers on Android.

и не забудьте разделить, как минимум, на три, ага.

кто вообще создает программное обеспечение для Android? зачем? чтобы превратить свою жизнь в ад?


WikiLeaks and Assange were mentioned repeatedly during the trial

31 July 2013 | Jurisprudence, Politics | No Comments

вот и все:

Bradley Manning, the source of the massive WikiLeaks trove of secret disclosures, faces a possible maximum sentence of 136 years in military jail after he was convicted on Tuesday of most charges on which he stood trial.


The one ray of light in an otherwise bleak outcome for Manning was that he was found not guilty of the single most serious charge against him – that he knowingly “aided the enemy”, in practice al-Qaida, by disclosing information to the WikiLeaks website that in turn made it accessible to all users including enemy groups.

как сказал когда-то Филип Киндред Дик, “this has been a novel about some people who were punished entirely too much for what they did.”

к сожалению, это больше не роман.


lazy Tuesday

30 July 2013 | Metaphysics, Personal, Wine | No Comments

quote of the day:

Why on earth aren’t people continually drunk? I want ecstasy of the mind all the time.

Jack Kerouac.


to fly, to swim, to dive into the fire, to ride

29 July 2013 | Literature, Philosophy, Science | 1 Comment

между прочим, хорошая Скарлетт Томас в своем романе “The End of Mr. Y” (русский перевод был озаглавлен “Наваждение Люмаса”) тоже естественным образом скрещивает квантовую физику, например:

There’s the many-worlds interpretation. In a nutshell, while the Copenhagen interpretation suggests that all probabilities collapse into one definite reality on observation, the many-worlds interpretation suggests that all the possibilities exist at once, but that each one has its own universe to go with it. So there are, literally, many worlds, each one with a tiny difference.

и феноменологию Эдмунда Гуссерля:

Basically, phenomenology says that you exist, and the world exists, but the relationship between the two is problematic. How do we define entities? Where does one entity stop and another begin?

Structuralism seemed to say that objects are objects, and you can name them anything you like. But I’m more interested in questions about what makes an object. And how an object can have meaning outside of the language we use to define it.


What if we’ve created a world in which even that shadowy level of reality isn’t the final copy? One in which anything that was ever “real” is now gone, and the copies that referred to things – in other words, the language, the signs – don’t refer to anything any more? What if all our stupid pictures and signs don’t make reality at all? What if they don’t refer out to anything else, but only inward towards themselves and other signs? That’s hyper-reality. If we wanted to talk about it in Derridean terms, we could talk of a world that constantly defers the real. And it is language that does that. It promises us a table, or a ghost, or a rock, but can never actually deliver one for us.

что есть материя, и что есть мысль? вы обязательно задумаетесь об этом по прочтении. и это хорошо[1], разве нет?


  1. в отличии от Нила Стивенсона, она с легкостью обошлась без инопланетных кораблей и завораживающих погонь — наверное, это более классическая фантазия, с привкусом чуть ли не Жюля Верна: когда герои, сидя у камина, неторопливо излагают свои гипотезы и убежденья. ↩


про игрушки

29 July 2013 | Google, History, Internet, Technology | 2 Comments

пару дней назад, кстати, оказался[1] в Chrome Web Lab, и был несказанно удивлен степенью анти-интуитивности и псевдотехнологичности экспозиции — у Google все-таки исключительно свое видение мира, безмерно далекое от всех на свете, и, судя по количеству посетителей, никому особенно и не интересное.


  1. в остальном же музей вполне милый, на радость всем. попутно так же было несколько стендов о Тьюринге, правда, совсем уж горемычные, никак не Блетчли-парк — однако, все равно не удержался и похмельными руками зачем-то сфотографировал Энигмы.  ↩


своим путем

29 July 2013 | Culturology, Photo | No Comments

Хельмут Ньютон о хорошем:

Я очень поверхностен, я предпочел бы снять Катрин Денев, чем какого-нибудь ученого или писателя. И я люблю этот поверхностный мир. Мне нравится все искусственное, красивое и смешное, я люблю, когда пятидесятилетние мужичины встречаются с восемнадцатилетними девчонками. И я надеюсь, этот мир никогда не исчезнет.

да, наверное, он каким-то образом удивительно прав.


everyone feels exiled

29 July 2013 | Literature | No Comments

старое, 1978 года, интервью Джой Кэрол Оутс, чудесной:

INTERVIEWER: Do you find emotional stability is necessary in order to write? Or can you get to work whatever your state of mind? Is your mood reflected in what you write? How do you describe that perfect state in which you can write from early morning into the afternoon?

OATES: One must be pitiless about this matter of “mood.” In a sense, the writing will create the mood. If art is, as I believe it to be, a genuinely transcendental function—a means by which we rise out of limited, parochial states of mind—then it should not matter very much what states of mind or emotion we are in. Generally I’ve found this to be true: I have forced myself to begin writing when I’ve been utterly exhausted, when I’ve felt my soul as thin as a playing card, when nothing has seemed worth enduring for another five minutes… and somehow the activity of writing changes everything. Or appears to do so. Joyce said of the underlying structure of Ulysses—the Odyssean parallel and parody—that he really didn’t care whether it was plausible so long as it served as a bridge to get his “soldiers” across. Once they were across, what does it matter if the bridge collapses? One might say the same thing about the use of one’s self as a means for the writing to get written. Once the soldiers are across the stream…

или вот о поисках — и людях:

In a sense we are all post-Wake writers and it’s Joyce, and only Joyce, who casts a long terrifying shadow… The problem is that virtuoso writing appeals to the intellect and tends to leave one’s emotions untouched. When I read aloud to my students the last few pages of Finnegans Wake, and come to that glorious, and heartbreaking, final section (“But you’re changing, acoolsha, you’re changing from me, I can feel”), I think I’m able to communicate the almost overwhelmingly beautiful emotion behind it, and the experience certainly leaves me shaken, but it would be foolish to think that the average reader, even the average intelligent reader, would be willing to labor at the Wake, through those hundreds of dense pages, in order to attain an emotional and spiritual sense of the work’s wholeness, as well as its genius. Joyce’s Ulysses appeals to me more: That graceful synthesis of the “naturalistic” and the “symbolic” suits my temperament… I try to write books that can be read in one way by a literal-minded reader, and in quite another way by a reader alert to symbolic abbreviation and parodistic elements. And yet, it’s the same book—or nearly. A trompe l’oeil, a work of “as if.”

плюс, небольшая зарисовка.


Тимур и его команда

29 July 2013 | Lifeform, Literature | No Comments

разбросанные судьбой[1] вдоль мира пинчоноведы общаются, мне думается, всегда посредством каких-то дополнительных средств: у меня, например, есть подписки на результаты поиска по ключевым словам, кто-то, может, избрал какой-то другой путь… и во всем этом мне определенно видится тот самый почтовый рожок с сурдинкой — ведь и для простого разговора мы все равно используем дополнительные механизмы, укрывающие нас от посторнних глаз и чужого шума.


  1. наш автор определено увидел бы тут систему.  ↩



28 July 2013 | Cinematograph | No Comments

подробнейший анализ знаменитой “Космической Одиссеи” Стэнли Кубрика:

For unlike typical character and plot driven narrative, its structure is that of an odyssey portraying the span of millennia. There is no central protagonist in conflict with an antagonist to root for. The few depicted characters seem disconnected from one another, and their dialog is often irrelevant to expository action. Its pacing is slug slow, with excessive montage shots that while visually beautiful don’t move plot points forward. If classical music seems an odd score choice itself, several pieces selected are often disturbingly postmodern, evoking not a soothing softness of the musical genre but chaotic and disquieting emotions. Finally, the final sequence, rather than a climax and resolution to some character driven conflict, seemingly comes from nowhere leaving more questions than answers. In almost every way this film should have failed. But it didn’t. Instead, it’s considered a great masterpiece. Why?

на днях великому режиссеру исполнилось бы 85 лет.



28 July 2013 | Education, Metaphysics, Personal | 3 Comments

Ричард Алан Фридман, пожалуйста, о нашем внутреннем времени:

It’s simple: if you want time to slow down, become a student again. Learn something that requires sustained effort; do something novel. Put down the thriller when you’re sitting on the beach and break out a book on evolutionary theory or Spanish for beginners or a how-to book on something you’ve always wanted to do. Take a new route to work; vacation at an unknown spot. And take your sweet time about it.

наверное, это прозвучит смешно и парадоксально, но чем больше я делаю, both physically and mentally, тем больше у меня появляется энергии идти куда-то дальше. обворожительная же летняя истома, — она выпивает тебя до дна.