to fly, to swim, to dive into the fire, to ride

19:52 | 29-07-2013 | Literature, Philosophy, Science | 1 Comment

между прочим, хорошая Скарлетт Томас в своем романе “The End of Mr. Y” (русский перевод был озаглавлен “Наваждение Люмаса”) тоже естественным образом скрещивает квантовую физику, например:

There’s the many-worlds interpretation. In a nutshell, while the Copenhagen interpretation suggests that all probabilities collapse into one definite reality on observation, the many-worlds interpretation suggests that all the possibilities exist at once, but that each one has its own universe to go with it. So there are, literally, many worlds, each one with a tiny difference.

и феноменологию Эдмунда Гуссерля:

Basically, phenomenology says that you exist, and the world exists, but the relationship between the two is problematic. How do we define entities? Where does one entity stop and another begin?

Structuralism seemed to say that objects are objects, and you can name them anything you like. But I’m more interested in questions about what makes an object. And how an object can have meaning outside of the language we use to define it.


What if we’ve created a world in which even that shadowy level of reality isn’t the final copy? One in which anything that was ever “real” is now gone, and the copies that referred to things – in other words, the language, the signs – don’t refer to anything any more? What if all our stupid pictures and signs don’t make reality at all? What if they don’t refer out to anything else, but only inward towards themselves and other signs? That’s hyper-reality. If we wanted to talk about it in Derridean terms, we could talk of a world that constantly defers the real. And it is language that does that. It promises us a table, or a ghost, or a rock, but can never actually deliver one for us.

что есть материя, и что есть мысль? вы обязательно задумаетесь об этом по прочтении. и это хорошо[1], разве нет?


  1. в отличии от Нила Стивенсона, она с легкостью обошлась без инопланетных кораблей и завораживающих погонь — наверное, это более классическая фантазия, с привкусом чуть ли не Жюля Верна: когда герои, сидя у камина, неторопливо излагают свои гипотезы и убежденья. ↩


One Response to “to fly, to swim, to dive into the fire, to ride”

  1. […] другая же недавняя книжка, что тоже с легкостью играет подкожными смыслами, точно заправский шулер, доставая их из рукава, — это “The Irish Eye” Джона Хоукса, раз уж о ней зашла речь. […]

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