Archives for August 2013

не выходи из комнаты

24 August 2013 | Animation, Literature | No Comments

по-моему, эта визуализация одного стихотворения просто и бескомпромиссно чудесна.


мои близкие

24 August 2013 | Culturology, Personal | No Comments

кстати, хорошая цитата Бьорк:

I never really understood the word ‘loneliness’. As far as I was concerned, I was in an orgy with the sky and the ocean, and with nature.

и с культурой, добавил бы я[1].


  1. но для нее, плоть от плоти мирозданья, думаю, это уже вторично.  ↩


есть ли у вас план, мистер Фикс?

24 August 2013 | Cinematograph, Economics, History | No Comments

чудесная статья о Джеймсе Бонде, Бреттон-Вудской системе и всех-всех-всех:

[Auric Goldfinger’s] problem is that the way the Bretton-Woods system of semi-fixed exchange rates worked was that ordinary citizens couldn’t just own gold. A little jewelry, sure. But buying and storing large quantities of gold was illegal unless you were licensed to use gold for industrial purposes. Goldfinger, being a gold enthusiast, has in fact obtained such licenses. But naturally as a person obsessed with gold, he bears little love for an economic policy regime that restricts his ability to obtain it. Thus he isn’t shy about exploiting the arbitrage opportunities that arise under the system. Since gold couldn’t flow frequently across national boundaries and exchange rates couldn’t float up or down, the price of gold could vary quite a bit from place to place. As Colonel Smithers from the Bank of England explains, Goldfinger is using his industrial permits to obtain gold in Britain and then spiriting some of it off the island for sale in other countries where the price of gold is higher.


Why is this a matter for MI-6?

Well it goes back to the failed economic policies of Labour Party Prime Minister Harold Wilson.


по следам

23 August 2013 | Censorship, Literature, Politics | 1 Comment

роман Йозефа Геббельса, “Михаэль”, о котором так много в последнее время, к сожалению, оказался исключительнейшей графоманией. как заметил сам автор в первых строках:

В кармане я ношу лишь одну книгу: «Фауст». Я читаю первую часть. Для второй я слишком глуп.

хотя запрещать, конечно, все равно ни к чему.


посмотреть в глаза

22 August 2013 | Art | No Comments

девушка-призрак Кевина Френсиса Грея.



21 August 2013 | History, Politics | 1 Comment

45 лет назад войска стран Варшавского договора[1] вторглись на территорию Чехословакии.

среди иных преступлений, мне кажется, надо помнить и об этом.


  1. кроме Румынии.  ↩


this is how totalitarianism starts

21 August 2013 | Jurisprudence, Politics, Privacy, Security | 1 Comment

о нашем общем будущем:

[A] “terrorist” is anyone the spooks say is a terrorist. In the past, we might reasonably assume our intelligence agencies targeted people who presented a potential threat to us. With the Miranda detention, it’s clear that a “terrorist” is anyone who presents a threat to them.

о предъявленном ультиматуме:

I think even lifelong British bureaucrats understand that destroying the Guardian’s hardware did nothing to destroy the data that lives on it. Encrypted copies abound – if not in England, then certainly in Russia, Germany, and Brazil.

No, they did it to send a message. And that message is, Your debate is inconsequential. We control the horizontal and the vertical. We’ll do what we want, and there’s nothing you can do to stop us.

о начале гражданской войны:

[Y]anking David Miranda out of a queue at Heathrow, tossing him into an interrogation room, and sweating him for nine hours <...>, too, was sending a message.

It was a warning to Greenwald but also to journalists and whistleblowers in general: The gloves are coming off. Or as the kids like to say, s**t just got real.


заметая следы

20 August 2013 | Privacy, Security, Software | No Comments

tool of the day:

Advertisers and government agencies attempt to build a profile of you based on your browsing history. Paranoid Browsing confuses that effort by making a background tab which browses the internet at random.

возвращаясь, иными словами, к тому, где легче всего спрятать опавший лист.

via — no surprises — Cory Doctorow.


мы ждем перемен

20 August 2013 | Copyright, Technology, Television | No Comments

о будущем телевидения:

Those who have the most to lose when TV gets disrupted need not fear piracy[1]; they should fear the SDK. When developers can take advantage of a platform, the possibilities are endless.

у меня-то, в общем, и телевизора нет, однако наблюдать за процессом, конечно же, интересно.


  1. они, кстати, и не боятся.  ↩


ты знаешь, вся эта механика Лагранжа не кажется мне сколько-нибудь значительной

19 August 2013 | Sport | No Comments

сегодня, кстати, день рождения у Марко Матерацци. в том знаменитом финале чемпионата мира по футболу 2006 года он заработал пенальти, забил ответный гол, что-то сказал Зинедину Зидану и, наконец, реализовал пенальти сам.

есть, что вспомнить.