a megaphone

14:47 | 12-03-2014 | Internet, Lifeform, Privacy, Software | 1 Comment

welcome the new way of communicating:

The new app, Secret, which was released on Thursday on the iTunes store, is meant to help one share what one is thinking and feeling with friends anonymously. One can write anything that is on one’s mind, free of judgement.

being free of any constraints, wouldn’t that talk become the stream of unconsciousness of your social circle? I thinnk, it should:

For a number of reasons, Secret is a fascinating app. <...> It transforms the passive-aggressiveness of a subtweet into a product, creating a space for people to speak their minds with less of the filter required by traditional social networks. It created a new type of newsfeed — the SecretFeed — which is not bound by being presented the traditional, reverse-chronological manner, which allows secrets to resurface over time.

me, I’d prefer to absolve from that usual socialness, and put the whole Internet under the hood, no matter if the users are your contacts or not (even though some may be worried by the funders or possible usage).

remember Molly, aye? now, replace her usual ‘I’ — with ‘us’. with secrets, dreams and moves of a community.

isn’t that liberty… inspiring?


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