видеть цель

09:01 | 10-10-2014 | Apple | No Comments

Джонни Айв о Стиве Джобсе:

Steve was the most focused person I’ve met in my life. It’s terrifying that when you really truly focus, it seems a bit illegal. You can achieve so much. Steve would say “How many things have you said no to?” And I would have these sacrificial things…and he knew that I wasn’t interested in doing those things anyway. What focus means is saying no with every bone in your body to something you know is a good idea but you say no because you’re focused on something else.

I remember talking to Steve Jobs and asked why he was perceived as harsh. And I said couldn’t we be more moderate? And he said why? And I said because I care about the team. And he said: “No Jony, you’re just really vain. You just want people to like you. I’m surprised at you, because I thought you really held the work up as the most important and not how you are perceived by people.”

и вот еще, из прощальной заметки Майкла Лоппа:

My favorite video of Steve was shortly after his return to Apple. He wasn’t CEO yet; he was still consulting and was speaking on the last day of 1997’s WWDC. It wasn’t a prepared speech; it was Q&A, an open microphone where anyone could apparently ask Steve Jobs anything. (Steve starts at 2:12)

I’ve watched this video a few times, and what consistently impressed me wasn’t just his ability to elegantly answer random and sometimes hostile questions from an audience, it was the fact that it was abundantly clear what he wanted Apple to be. Again: 1997.

I was an Apple employee for eight and half years and I didn’t see the video until after I’d left the company. For those who worked there and for those who have watched Apple’s success, what resonates from this crackly old video is that it was clear that Steve could see the future. He may have given features, products, and strategies different names at the time, but so much of what Apple has become is described in a video from almost 14 years ago.

Steve didn’t underestimate the future; he could see it, and, more importantly, he built it.

я никогда не относил себя ни к поклоникам Джобса, ни к его противникам (буде то, например, за ту самую жесткость или за что-то еще). в конце концов, я так и не прочел ни одной из книг о нем и не посмотрел ни одного фильма. да, пролистал Айзексона, впрочем, — однако, снова больше о том, как Уолтер видел продукцию Apple, как пытался ее интерпретировать (и это у него получилось исключительно смешно и глупо, к слову), нежели хоть о каких-то личных историях или божествах.

так вот, если собрать все означенные впечатления вместе, то для меня это человек, чьей концентрации и работоспособности я завидую. и кто — благодаря этим своим качествам — сделал мою жизнь проще и легче.

и, мне кажется, надо просто каждый лишний раз задумываться об этом — не о Стиве, отнюдь нет. но о том, что движет нами — и зачем.


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