protect your investment

07:40 | 30-01-2015 | Google, Microsoft, Software | 2 Comments

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According to a report from The Wall Street Journal, Microsoft will be investing in Cyanogen, Inc., the Android ROM builder. The report says that Microsoft would be a “minority investor” [taking part] in a $70 million round of financing that values Cyanogen in the “high hundreds of millions.”

Cyanogen takes the Android source code and modifies it, adding more features and porting it to other devices. It has also started supplying Android builds directly to OEMs (like the OnePlus One), which ship the software on devices instead of stock Android. Last week during a talk in San Francisco, Cyanogen’s CEO said the company’s goal was to “take Android away from Google.” It wants to replace the Google Play ecosystem with apps of its own, the same way that Amazon uses the Android Open Source Project for its Kindle Fire products but adds its own app and content stores.

продавать Office надо везде, разумеется, — особенно учитывая существенное раздражение производителей, что рано или поздно могут сказать “нет” подобным ограничениям:

Google pushes a lot of requirements on Android OEMs. If they want the Google Play Store, it also forces them to take all other Google products and services. There is also an “anti-fragmentation clause,” which forbids OEMs from selling Android devices without Google Play. Cyanogen’s Android distributions wouldn’t have any such limitations, but then neither would a self-made AOSP build.

что, с другой стороны, определенно напоминает о прибыльности всех этих робото-продаж[1]:

[L]ast quarter Apple’s revenue was downright decimated by the strengthening U.S. dollar; currency fluctuations reduced Apple’s revenue by 5% – a cool $3.73 billion dollars. That, though, is more than Google made in profit last quarter ($2.83 billion). Apple lost more money to currency fluctuations than Google makes in a quarter.

забавно, не правда ли: известная открытость мало того, что сомнительна удобством, не вызывает доверия — так еще и элементарно опасный бизнес.


  1. впрочем, у Microsoft, как известно, и там коготок увяз.  ↩


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