Archives for June 2015

we grow old because we stop playing

27 June 2015 | Games, Personal | 1 Comment

или, например, игра:

Her Story is a nonlinear jigsaw puzzle set in the mid-90’s. As the player, you must find and review snippets of archival police interview footage to figure out what happened to a woman called Hannah in 1994. Those snippets are brief and jumbled together; only careful observation will allow you to uncover the whole story.

определенно, мне нравится такая эволюция.

жаль только, что совсем не играю — даже Monument Valley забросил где-то посередине.


пойдем, Маруся, наверх

21 June 2015 | Geography | No Comments

или вот еще история.


как в старой сказке жить да жить

16 June 2015 | Art | No Comments

города Стива МакДональда.


это край земли

14 June 2015 | Culturology | No Comments

просто ссылка.


on frankenwatches

14 June 2015 | Apple, Watches | 1 Comment

про скрещивание:

When I spoke to [Edouard Meylan, chief executive of the high-end watchmaker H. Moser], he was even more direct. Making smartwatches is a mistake, he argued, particularly for elite brands. To be sure, he said — as many of his peers did — the Apple Watch will probably be successful. “With the right battery, eventually it’ll become something very useful that I will probably wear myself,” he said. But he considers putting smartwatch technology inside a mechanical Swiss timepiece to be brand suicide. “It shouldn’t be a gimmick,” he said. “Especially in our range.” His company, like Montblanc and Ateliers deMonaco, sells watches that cost tens of thousands of dollars. They shouldn’t be creating “some kind of monsters that are a merger of a mobile phone and an actually beautiful mechanical watch.”


faraway, so close

13 June 2015 | Culturology | No Comments

просто две цитаты — раз:

Q: How do you relax?
A: I look in charity shops, though I seldom buy anything. They are museums of quotidian humanity.

и два:

Большинство моих коллег, когда им надо подумать, отправляются за город с рюкзаком. Я иду в хороший хозяйственный универмаг и ищу там самый промасленный, самый пыльный закуток. Я заговариваю с самыми старыми людьми, какие только тут работают, и мы долго обсуждаем сравнительные достоинства машинных болтов против вагонных и когда использовать компрессию, а когда развальцовку. Если они знатоки своего дела, то ко мне не пристают, оставляют бродить и думать. Молодые слишком много о себе понимают. Им кажется, они способны помочь тебе найти что угодно, и по ходу задают уйму дурацких вопросов. Старые продавцы по опыту знают: ничто в хозяйственном не покупается по номинальному своему назначению. Ты покупаешь вещь, сделанную для одного, и используешь ее для другого.


war is peace

12 June 2015 | Economics, Lifeform, Literature, Politics | 1 Comment

все мы знаем, что Оруэлл написал гениальную книгу. но, тем не менее, часто забываем, насколько именно гениальную:

It does not matter whether the war is actually happening, and, since no decisive victory is possible, it does not matter whether the war is going well or badly. All that is needed is that a state of war should exist. The splitting of the intelligence which the Party requires of its members, and which is more easily achieved in an atmosphere of war, is now almost universal, but the higher up the ranks one goes, the more marked it becomes. It is precisely in the Inner Party that war hysteria and hatred of the enemy are strongest. In his capacity as an administrator, it is often necessary for a member of the Inner Party to know that this or that item of war news is untruthful, and he may often be aware that the entire war is spurious and is either not happening or is being waged for purposes quite other than the declared ones: but such knowledge is easily neutralized by the technique of doublethink.

эта цитата с легкостью обозначает одно из государств из стран на сегодняшнем глобусе. а вот другая сторона, не лучше:

The problem was how to keep the wheels of industry turning without increasing the real wealth of the world. Goods must be produced, but they need not be distributed. And in practice the only way of achieving this was by continuous warfare.

так есть:

The object of waging a war is always to be in a better position in which to wage another war.


другой Эльсинор

11 June 2015 | Culturology, Geography | No Comments

ну, или к ним:

The Kingdom of Elleore is a micronation located on the island of Elleore in the Roskilde Fjord, north of Roskilde on the Danish island of Zealand.

The island was purchased by a group of Copenhagen schoolteachers in 1944 for use as a summer camp. They proclaimed the island’s tongue-in-cheek “independence” as a Kingdom as a gentle parody of the government structure and royal traditions of Denmark.

хоть там и многое под запретом:

<...> Elleore exacts harsh punishment on anyone who brings the kingdom into disrepute. One of the worst crimes is bringing canned sardines onto the island: apparently it’s disrespectful to cram so many ‘individuals’ into such a tiny space, probably because it’s in opposition to what Elleore does with its citizenry. Another nono is taking the book Robinson Crusoe onto Elleore, as the kingdom reckons it gives a ‘distorted and false impression of how life is on a small island’.

Elleore officials check all incoming baggage for these items, and if you’re found with them the penalty is severe: banishment to the ‘prison island’ of Kaj Snude, just northeast of Elleore, where you will be required to stand for 11 minutes and 17 seconds. If your crime is against sardines, you will also be required to set them loose in the water.


it’s weird and pissed off, whatever it is

10 June 2015 | Culturology, Geography | 4 Comments

из случайных рассказов:

Most personnel [of the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station] leave by the middle of February, leaving a few dozen (45 in 2015) “winter-overs”, mostly support staff plus a few scientists, who keep the station functional through the months of Antarctic night. The winter personnel are isolated between mid-February and late October. Wintering-over presents notorious dangers and stresses, as the station population is almost totally isolated. The station is completely self-sufficient during the winter, and powered by three generators running on JP-8 jet fuel. An annual tradition is a back to back viewing of The Thing from Another World (1951), The Thing (1982), and The Thing (2011) after the last flight has left for the winter.

надо к ним.



9 June 2015 | Art | No Comments

паспорт и другие божества.