Architecture Category Archives

личное пространство

17 February 2013 | Architecture, Design | No Comments

чудесный рассказ о том, как можно обустроить квартиру в 39 квадратных метров.


zitto e cheto come l’olio

6 December 2012 | Architecture, Geography, Photo | No Comments

немного Венеции.

и мы плывем дальше, среди густых туманов…


общение чрез расстояния

14 November 2012 | Architecture, Geography, Lifeform | No Comments

опять про города:

INTERVIEWER: In the book, you write that “communities are networks, not places.” Tell us about why and how networks matter to cities?

ZACHARY NEAL [Michigan State University, the author of The Connected City]: We often think of communities in place–based terms, like Jane Jacobs’ beloved Greenwich Village. But, whether or not a place like Greenwich Village is really a community has more to do with the residents’ relationships with one another — their social networks – than with where they happen to live or work. The danger of thinking about communities as places is that it can lead us to find communities where they don’t exist.


Understanding how the connected city is organized is really a matter of understanding network distance: Why are some people close to one another in a network, while others are further apart?

и еще, о планировке:

Phoenix’s strictly regular street grid makes it hard to get lost, but also hard to distinguish one part of the city from the next. The organically meandering alleys of Venice almost guarantee one will get lost, but also facilitate the formation of little neighborhoods centered around tiny campos.

лабиринты судеб, ага.


огни большого города

22 October 2012 | Architecture, Art, Geography, Lifeform | No Comments

быстрее, чем когда-либо:

Blinking City is a project investigating the inadequacy of traditional maps for city environments characterized by fast pace transformation and urban growth. As soon as the map is done, the city it describes has already gone. Blinking City patterns are based on collages of several Hutong neighbourhoods of Beijing.

The video animation is part of the Blinking City project. It shows an overlapping of ever-changing temporary spaces suggesting a series of improving possibilities, trends, spatial concepts that define progressively an aesthetic merging of forms and colours inspired by a nomadic and itinerant urban geography.

продолжение здесь и здесь.


сделана из сыра

1 October 2012 | Architecture, Geography, History, Lifeform, Literature | No Comments

немного про одиночество:

The clock tower is the surviving relic of one of several villages that were submerged in 1939 when the Montecatini company (now Edison Energia) designed and built a new 72-foot deep lake[1], to unify two natural lakes.

сразу вспоминается Карлсон:

На большом, совершенно чистом листе в нижнем углу был нарисован крохотный красный петушок.
– Картина называется: “Очень одинокий петух”, – объяснил Карлсон.

или даже так:

Карлсон снова облетел комнату и даже закудахтал от удовольствия. О своей картине он и думать забыл. Малыш подошёл к камину поглядеть, что же Карлсон нарисовал. Внизу было написано неровными буквами: “Портрет моего кролика”. Но Карлсон нарисовал маленького красного зверька, скорее напоминающего лисицу.

– Разве это не лисица? – спросил Малыш. Карлсон спланировал на пол и стал рядом с ним. Склонив голову набок, любовался он своей картиной.

– Да, конечно, это лисица. Без всякого сомнения, это лисица, да к тому же, сделанная лучшим в мире рисовальщиком лисиц.

– Да, но… Ведь здесь написано: “Портрет моего кролика”… Так где ж он, этот кролик?

– Она его съела, – сказал Карлсон.

вернее, поглотила.

  1. волшебное:

    [W]hen the water freezes, [the church] can be reached on foot.  ↩



22 September 2012 | Architecture, Lifeform | No Comments

очередные призраки — в большой стране даже города могут потеряться.



1 September 2012 | Architecture | No Comments

одна империя, другая[1] — а тюремные стены практически одинаковы.

[1] — хороший блог, кстати.



14 August 2012 | Architecture, Culturology, Design, Geography, Metaphysics | No Comments

еще о наличниках:

What makes Paris look like Paris?

Given a large repository of geotagged imagery, we seek to automatically find visual elements, e.g. windows, balconies, and street signs, that are most distinctive for a certain geo-spatial area, for example the city of Paris.

и волшебство, оно тает на глазах.


окнами наружу

16 July 2012 | Architecture, Design | 6 Comments

проект “Всё о наличниках”; чудеснейший.


information is food

3 July 2012 | Architecture, Lifeform | No Comments

а вот, смотрите, новые хрущевки:

Christopher Green’s idea is to turn buildings into buzzing and self-sustaining hives of edible insects. The honeycomb-like growth on the upper floors is composed of individual “cells” with crickets breeding in the walls. When they get fat and juicy enough, the residents gather them to take to the core of the building where they’re processed in grinders and stashed away in food silos. Once the cricket colonies hit their peak population, Green imagines that everyone living in such a building could feast indefinitely on the spiny bounty infesting its guts.

дальше еще интереснее:

Green envisions each cricket having a little digital tag fixed to its back. Taken together, a cell full of tagged crickets would function as a data-storage unit – he thinks about 5 gigabytes per cell sounds right – and the tower itself becomes a “living hard drive.”

и, тем не менее, удивительно, как все перевернулось.