Cryptography Category Archives

conventions only become conventions if they work

14 July 2015 | Cryptography, Privacy, Security, Software | No Comments

или, например, хороший Мокси Марлинспайк о GPG:

Eventually I realized that when I receive a GPG encrypted email, it simply means that the email was written by someone who would voluntarily use GPG. I don’t mean someone who cares about privacy, because I think we all care about privacy. There just seems to be something particular about people who try GPG and conclude that it’s a realistic path to introducing private communication in their lives for casual correspondence with strangers.

Increasingly, it’s a club that I don’t want to belong to anymore.

все так. вот и получается, что с одной стороны криптогфрафия жизненно необоходима каждому, а с другой — что пользоваться этими продуктами нет совершенно никакой возможности.


Штази, до свиданья

30 July 2014 | Cryptography, Privacy, Security, Software | 1 Comment

немного восторга:

Rejoice, O lovers of privacy! For Open WhisperSystems has released Signal for iPhone (open-sourced, licensed under the GPLv3), which gives any and every iPhone wielder the power to fully encrypt their calls against prying ears — and is completely compatible with OWS’s time-tested and well-liked RedPhone for Android.

уже скачали?


how is that not raising it?

25 December 2013 | Cryptography, Culturology, Jurisprudence, Politics, Privacy, Security | 1 Comment

программный рассказ Washington Post о встречах и разговорах с Эдвардом Сноуденом:

SNOWDEN: For me, in terms of personal satisfaction, the mission’s already accomplished. I already won. As soon as the journalists were able to work, everything that I had been trying to do was validated. Because, remember, I didn’t want to change society. I wanted to give society a chance to determine if it should change itself.


What the government wants is something they never had before. They want total awareness. The question is, is that something we should be allowing?

я не знаю, будет ли достаточно каких-то слов, чтобы выразить ему благодарность; то, что произошло, — это поворотный момент в истории коммуникаций, и если сейчас мы все еще не можем остановить их, то — по крайней мере — теперь мы хотя бы знаем об этом.


losing my religion

12 December 2013 | Cryptography | No Comments

увеличивая градус случайности:

Developers of the FreeBSD operating system will no longer allow users to trust processors manufactured by Intel and Via Technologies as the sole source of random numbers needed to generate cryptographic keys that can’t easily be cracked by government spies and other adversaries.



все изменилось

17 August 2013 | Cryptography, Jurisprudence, Politics, Privacy, Security | 2 Comments

как известно, среди последствий истории Эдварда Сноудена было так же и закрытие одного из почтовых сервисов, что он использовал, Lavabit:

I have been forced to make a difficult decision: to become complicit in crimes against the American people or walk away from nearly ten years of hard work by shutting down Lavabit. After significant soul searching, I have decided to suspend operations. I wish that I could legally share with you the events that led to my decision. I cannot. I feel you deserve to know what’s going on–the first amendment is supposed to guarantee me the freedom to speak out in situations like this. Unfortunately, Congress has passed laws that say otherwise. As things currently stand, I cannot share my experiences over the last six weeks, even though I have twice made the appropriate requests.

что ж, остальные[1] добровольно решили последовать той же дорогой:

[W]e have reconsidered this position. We’ve been thinking about this for some time, whether it was a good idea at all. Today, another secure email provider, Lavabit, shut down their system lest they “be complicit in crimes against the American people.” We see the writing the wall, and we have decided that it is best for us to shut down Silent Mail now. We have not received subpoenas, warrants, security letters, or anything else by any government, and this is why we are acting now.

иными словами, любой, кто захочет предоставлять аналогичные услуги, должен будет подумать не дважды, а сто крат. и без должной юридической помощи, без соответствующего финансирования, готового противостоять безграничным возможностям государства, безопаснее и спокойнее окажется даже не начинать.

we see the writing the wall. подобный сервис больше просто не допустят.


  1. президент и со-основатель Silent CircleФил Циммерманн.  ↩


по секрету

28 October 2012 | Cryptography, Software | No Comments

иливот такое шифрование писем в Gmail. не совсем, конечно, писем, и не совсем в Gmail, зато AES.


аsk Maya the question

27 August 2012 | Cryptography, Story | No Comments

очередной сюжет:

A few months after allegedly killing his wife and three children, Christopher Vaughn wrote a jailhouse poem in a coded alphabet that referred to a stripper with whom Vaughn dreamed of starting a new life, prosecutors say.

с куда более прозаичной, однако, развязкой:

And now they want jurors to see the scribbled poem, which was written in runic symbols that the Oswego man likely learned during his study of druidism and pagan religions, attorneys said.


you take the blue pill

15 July 2012 | Cryptography, Lifeform, Story | 2 Comments

жизнь порой закидывет удочки чище иного Пинчона:

So a few days ago, a Reddit user named delverofsecrets went on to Reddit to explain that he had been handed a mysterious grid cipher by a scruffy guy on a subway train and needed the site’s help to decipher it. After the post shot to the front page of Reddit, the code was cracked, as users used a combination of English, Cyrillic, Basque and Hebrew alphabets.

Once the code was broken, delverofsecrets had to delete his Reddit account and go off the internet after receiving threatening phone calls, in which his life and the life of his family was threatened. The caller knew names and addresses.

начиналось все здесь, а вот серия заметок @ Mashable: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + …


клуб дюма

19 November 2010 | Cryptography, Lifeform | No Comments

тоже, в общем, форма жизни — хоть, как оказалась, и не способная существовать без посторонней помощи:

Kryptos sleuths may finally get some help cracking the CIA sculpture that has confounded amateur and professional cryptographers for two decades.

Artist Jim Sanborn, who created the cypher sculpture in 1990 for CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, plans to release a new clue to help puzzle detectives solve the last 97 characters of his masterpiece. The new clue is to be revealed in a New York Times article this weekend, to mark the 20th anniversary of the sculpture, which was dedicated Nov. 3, 1990.

сколько таких зашифрованных посланий уже кануло в лету, в скольки мы даже не заметили наличие шифра. или не поняли:

Only two other people were said to know the solution to Kryptos. CIA cryptographer Ed Scheidt helped Sanborn choose and alter the coding techniques for the sculpture. And former CIA director William Webster received a sealed envelope containing the solution at the sculpture’s dedication. In 2005, Sanborn revealed to that a decrypted line in the sculpture referred to Webster: “Who knows the exact location? Only WW.” But Sanborn also said at the time that Scheidt, now a retired chairman of the CIA’s Cryptographic Center, and Webster only thought they knew the solution.

“Well, you know, I wasn’t completely truthful with [Webster],” Sanborn said. “And I’m sure he realizes that. I mean that’s part of trade craft, isn’t it? Deception is everywhere…. I definitely didn’t give him the last section, which has never been deciphered.”

добавлено: ага.


термо-ректальный криптоанализ

6 October 2010 | Crime, Cryptography, Jurisprudence, Security | No Comments

не вся ваша частная информация такая уж частная:

Oliver Drage, 19, of Liverpool, was arrested in May 2009.

Police seized his computer but could not access material on it as it had a 50-character encryption password.

Drage was convicted of failing to disclose an encryption key in September. He was sentenced at Preston Crown Court on Monday.

что ж тут удивляться — законы подобные у каждого государства припасены. так что и не думайте пырхаться:

Det Sgt Neil Fowler, of Lancashire police, said: “Drage was previously of good character so the immediate custodial sentence handed down by the judge in this case shows just how seriously the courts take this kind of offence.

а в остальном, конечно, XKCD gets it right.
