Lifeform Category Archives


2 July 2014 | Lifeform, Privacy | No Comments

я же говорю, обретают жизнь, черты:

Currently in alpha testing, 20 Days Stranger was designed by MIT’s Playful Systems Group to connect two individuals anonymously for 20 days at a time.

The app runs in the background on an iPhone in order to track your location and other data as you go about your day. It regularly sends messages with vague details about your activities to the person with whom you have been connected.

For example, the app might let your partner know that you’re driving in a car, relaxing at the beach or at a stadium watching a baseball game.

All of these messages are exchanged completely anonymously between two individuals.

Then, at the end of the 20 days, you have the opportunity to send one 400-character message to your partner. You can share your identity and contact info, inquire about some specific activities, or if you were connected with me, you can ask why I seem to never emerge from my office.


наша будущая свобода

4 June 2014 | Culturology, Internet, Lifeform, Privacy, Software | 1 Comment

с выходом Secret на доступные просторы случилось и очевидное разделение: одни теперь анонимно стучат, а другие прелюдно вздыхают:

И я думаю о тех, кто раскрывает чужие секреты: чего им это стоит? о чем они думают потом? Приятное ли это ощущение – избегать ответственности за то, что сделано анонимно?

Я про это думаю абстрактно, т.к. приложение не ставлю, у меня мысль про это вызывает этическое содрогание какое-то, и мне ужасно обидно, что это не для всех очевидно.

c’mon, that’s just boring, isn’t it? этика, мораль… смешные потуги держать общество в узде чужой трусости и зажатости, как наверняка сказал бы Марк.

безусловно, любое нарушение неприкосновенности частной жизни суть зло, и зачем лишний рупор тем, кто тает от бесплодной зависти и злобы. но абстрагируйтесь на минутку, важно не сообщение, конечно же, но сопутствующая трансформация отправителя: media is the message — и то, как подобная эволюция меняет наши коммуникации[1].

как и писал еще в марте, эти ли программы не бесконечный поток коллективного бессознательного, отражение мечтаний и стремлений, идеальное зеркало, срез нашей жизни. и кто тогда, кроме нас самих, всех без исключений, виноват, что получается в итоге лишь базар, который мы видим в Secret?

так что прекрасный инструмент, разумеется, I stand by that.

и мы изменимся, Артур Кларк был уверен в этом.


  1. так же вот интервью с прекрасной:

    ГЕОРГИЙ БИРГЕР: И это, по-вашему, хорошо — то есть люди становятся свободнее?

    СТОЯ: Это просто так. Чем больше любое явление критически обсуждается (а не просто вызывает истерику типа «боже мой, что это такое»), тем более позитивным оно становится. Вот, к примеру, анальный секс.


    ГЕОРГИЙ БИРГЕР: Вот в этом будущем, где нет никаких табу и все обсуж­дается в открытую, что остается у человека личного, сокровенного? Читая ваш блог, я понимаю, что для вас нет ни одной запретной темы: вы открыто делитесь деталями и своей сексуальной жизни, и процессов, происходящих в вашем теле. А что-то личное вы все-таки оставляете только для себя?

    СТОЯ: Нет вроде бы. Даже до того, как я начала позировать обнаженной и сниматься в порно, мне всегда казалось, что любого вида секреты ядовиты. Их не должно быть.



mapping the territories

21 May 2014 | Google, Lifeform, Technology | 2 Comments

как и следовало ожидать:

When Google acquired Nest, there were a lot of jokes made about a thermometer serving you ads, many of which were only half kidding. Now, Google has stated in plain English that it does see a future where it could be serving ads on thermostats, as well as on “refrigerators, car dashboards, […] glasses, and watches,” which is only a partial list of the places it imagines its advertising content might appear in the future.

будущее вообще уже давно наступило, как мы знаем. вот, например, очередная случайная цитата:

Джо взялся за ручку холодильника.
– Десять центов, – сказал холодильник. – Пять за то, чтобы открыть дверцу, и пять за сливки.
– Какие это сливки? – сказал Джо. – Это простое молоко, – он подергал ручку. – Ну, еще разочек. Вечером я заплачу, ей-богу!


deep, deep web

31 March 2014 | Internet, Lifeform | No Comments

или вот другой рассказ о внезапно расцветающих досках объявлений:

My old Informationweek editor, Mitch Wagner, once discovered some young girls holding a gossipy chat in the comments section of an old blog post of his; when he asked them what they were doing there, they told him that their school blocked all social media, so every day they picked a random blog-post somewhere on the Internet and used it as a discussion board for the day.

вспоминается Гибсон, натурально.



25 March 2014 | Internet, Lifeform, Privacy, Software | 1 Comment

или вот так:

[FireChat] makes use of the Multipeer Connectivity Framework in iOS 7, which allows developers to discover Multipeer-enabled services on nearby iOS devices using Wi-Fi, peer-to-peer connections and Bluetooth.


In case nobody is around, the app also has a global chat mode that includes everybody on the network (with an Internet connection). So far, the team hasn’t segmented this global mode into different rooms, so things may get a bit noisy in there if the app gets traction. If that happens, I’m sure the team will rethink this setup.

There are no user accounts, so there is no need to sign in and you can remain as anonymous as you would like to be (which is probably a good idea if you are trash-talking the opposing team in a stadium, for example).

коллективные сновидения, не иначе. хотя, конечно, в жизни все с точностью до наоборот:

Two new apps, Secret and Whisper, are capitalising on a trend to connect people anonymously to express opinions or ideas they might not share if their identities were revealed. Nowhere has the opportunity to dish the dirt anonymously been taken up with greater enthusiasm than in the heart of the tech industry, Silicon Valley, where the apps’ online gossiping offers rare insight into a society shaped by opportunity – at one extreme, for talented entrepreneurs to make vast fortunes and, at the other, years of failure and frustration for tens of thousands of others. Postings that show up simply as “friend” or “friend of friend” reveal Silicon Valley not as a place of hard-working, peaceable tech engineers, but a hothouse of ambition, rivalry, jealousy and obsession.

а потом — вдруг — анонимный занавес упадет.


одиночное плавание

23 March 2014 | Lifeform | No Comments

по лунной дороге:

The MV Lyubov Orlova[, a unmanned former cruise ship,] was last seen adrift off the coast of Newfoundland on February 4, 2013, and if it’s still afloat, its next port of call may be the coast of Ireland. Recently, Pim de Rhoodes, the captain of a Belgian salvage vessel that has been searching for the 328-foot Lyubov Orlova, speculated that the ship has a fifty-fifty chance of still being afloat, and if it hasn’t sunk, it’s likely overrun with starving rats.


speed, decentralization, anonymity

16 March 2014 | Economics, Internet, Lifeform | No Comments

как и почему:

Why did other payment technologies like PayPal or Western Union apparently fail to meet the requirements to be discussed in virtually every central bank on the planet, yet cryptocurrency is being so thoroughly scrutinised? Ironically enough, the on-going debate about whether or not bitcoin is truly a valuable disruptive technology, is all the evidence you need that it is.

This is because bitcoin as a technology isn’t just challenging business models, or even an entire industry. Plenty of innovative outfits do that with much less flare. Bitcoin is challenging the financial infrastructure of the whole global economy, and even more, it is challenging entire generations of established political and economic theory that that infrastructure is built on.

хорошая статья.


a megaphone

12 March 2014 | Internet, Lifeform, Privacy, Software | 1 Comment

welcome the new way of communicating:

The new app, Secret, which was released on Thursday on the iTunes store, is meant to help one share what one is thinking and feeling with friends anonymously. One can write anything that is on one’s mind, free of judgement.

being free of any constraints, wouldn’t that talk become the stream of unconsciousness of your social circle? I thinnk, it should:

For a number of reasons, Secret is a fascinating app. <...> It transforms the passive-aggressiveness of a subtweet into a product, creating a space for people to speak their minds with less of the filter required by traditional social networks. It created a new type of newsfeed — the SecretFeed — which is not bound by being presented the traditional, reverse-chronological manner, which allows secrets to resurface over time.

me, I’d prefer to absolve from that usual socialness, and put the whole Internet under the hood, no matter if the users are your contacts or not (even though some may be worried by the funders or possible usage).

remember Molly, aye? now, replace her usual ‘I’ — with ‘us’. with secrets, dreams and moves of a community.

isn’t that liberty… inspiring?


to break the shackles

4 March 2014 | Economics, Internet, Lifeform | 1 Comment

love the new *coin initiative:

Iceland has its own Satoshi. A programmer called Baldur Friggjar Odinsson has created an alternative to bitcoin that he is calling AuroraCoin and in twenty-three days he will “airdrop” 31.8 coins to every citizen of Iceland – all 330,000 of them.

that’s what they say on the website:

Five years ago, the government of Iceland imposed capital controls, following the collapse of a Ponzi inspired financial system that had issued far more Icelandic kronas than the nation could ever back up through its real economy. These controls were supposed to be “temporary”, but as with so many government actions, they remain in place to this day.

This means that the people of Iceland have, for the past five years, been forced to turn over all foreign currency earned to the Central Bank of Iceland. This means that the people are not entirely free to engage in international trade.

in an interview to TechCrunch quoted above the author also adds:

The people of Iceland are being sacrificed at the altar of a flawed financial system, controlled by an elite that made astronomical bets supported by the government on behalf of the people and ultimately at the expense of the people. The power must be taken away from the politicians and given back to the people.


Giving people Auroracoin is a way of introducing the nation to cryptocurrencies, currencies that can’t be controlled by politicians and central bankers.

*coins aren’t the Gold 2.0 we used to believe. the concept behind these currencies, it’s rather the Socialism 2.0 we were missing so much.


the natural selection

19 February 2014 | Lifeform, Politics | No Comments

Миша прав, как всегда:

Майданцы герои, ночной штурм отбили, вопреки ожиданиям; сейчас снова бьются.

Шансов на поддержку со стороны официоза ЕС и Америки у них мало, там все скуплено гебистами. Разве что западные масс-медиа вцепятся и будут защищать Майдан. Но как-то непохоже, сейчас западные скорее за Януковича. Призывают “обе стороны прекратить насилие” или типа, глупый пингвин робко прячет тело жирное в утесах. Нерукоподаю.

эта извечная политическая трусость, она омерзительна. и хоть знаешь их[1] “от” и “до”, все равно каждый раз думаешь, что вот сейчас-то мы сможем, избегнем, найдем.

однако деньги воспроизводят лишь деньги. единственная форма жизни, на которую мы способны.


  1. их.  ↩