Security Category Archives

clear and present danger

20 March 2014 | Google, Internet, Privacy, Security | No Comments

quote of the day:

“If you look at the logs of people’s search sessions, they’re the most personal thing on the Internet,” [Gabriel Weinberg of DuckDuckGo] says. “Unlike Facebook, where you choose what to post, with search you’re typing in medical and financial problems and all sorts of other things. You’re not thinking about the privacy implications of your search history.”


the revelations

7 February 2014 | Politics, Privacy, Security | No Comments

свод открытий Эдварда Сноудена.

learn their powers. study our knowledge.


there’s an app for that

30 January 2014 | Privacy, Security, Software | No Comments

ну, все уже видели, конечно (по ссылке так же есть и солайды внутренних презентаций):

The National Security Agency and its UK counterpart GCHQ have been developing capabilities to take advantage of “leaky” smartphone apps, such as the wildly popular Angry Birds game, that transmit users’ private information across the internet, according to top secret documents.

The data pouring onto communication networks from the new generation of iPhone and Android apps ranges from phone model and screen size to personal details such as age, gender and location. Some apps, the documents state, can share users’ most sensitive information such as sexual orientation – and one app recorded in the material even sends specific sexual preferences such as whether or not the user may be a swinger.

натурально, больше игр, хороших и разных.


comfortable in their authorities

24 January 2014 | Internet, Privacy, Security | No Comments

или еще:

Snowden said the vast amounts of data being stored about everyone is harmful in two key ways. Firstly, the fear that everything is being recorded will change our personal behavior for the worse, and secondly that the data amounted to “databases of ruin”, storing embarrassing or harmful details can be plucked out in retroactive investigations.


the stolen Internet

24 January 2014 | Censorship, Internet, Privacy, Security | 1 Comment

о недалеком будущем:

Put simply: the Internet we know and depend on will become something very different. The business relationship with your provider will change its focus from consumption (how many ones and zeros came over the wire) to behavior (what kind of ones and zeros). The latter is much more discriminatory and insidious.


The privacy implications are just as chilling. A discriminatory model bakes surveillance into the way ISPs do business.



8 January 2014 | Google, Hardware, Privacy, Security | No Comments

да, и кстати напоминание для будущих энтузиастов[1] Google Glass:

[N]ow the surveillance state can see through your eyes. Even when you blink.


  1. oh, dear.  ↩


в стане врага

27 December 2013 | Internet, Privacy, Security | 1 Comment

узелки на память:

про обязательные AdBlock [Plus], Ghostery и HTTPS Everywhere даже не говорю. плюс, не надо пользоваться браузерами с закрытым кодом, — такими, как, например, Google Chrome.

что же касается instant messaging, то следует установить Off-The-Record, или — еще проще[1] — взять на вооружение Cryptocat (с почтой все несколько сложнее просто потому, что если не само сообщение, то адресат ваш, уж конечно, в любом случае будет виден).

и, наконец, не стоит забывать про рекоммендации для работы в сети Tor.

а встроенную камеру можно заклеить изолентой.


  1. основан на том же OTR, былая дыра успешно закрыта.  ↩


not a game

26 December 2013 | Jurisprudence, Politics, Privacy, Security, Software | 1 Comment


The FBI has been able to covertly activate a computer’s camera — without triggering the light that lets users know it is recording[1] — for several years.

как насчет законодательного регулирования подобных мер? как насчет необходимости получать ордер, например?

A search warrant would be required to get content such as files from a suspect’s computer, said Mark Eckenwiler, a senior counsel at Perkins Coie LLP who until December was the Justice Department’s primary authority on federal criminal surveillance law. Continuing surveillance would necessitate an even stricter standard, the kind used to grant wiretaps.

But if the software gathers only communications-routing “metadata”—like Internet protocol addresses or the “to” and “from” lines in emails—a court order under a lower standard might suffice if the program is delivered remotely, such as through an Internet link, he said. That is because nobody is physically touching the suspect’s property, he added.

звучит отвратительно:

“Technology is evolving and law enforcement is struggling to keep up,” said Brian L. Owsley, a retired federal magistrate judge from Texas who was not involved in either case. “It’s a cat-and-mouse game.”


  1. например, так.  ↩


people surveilled

26 December 2013 | Facebook, Privacy, Security | No Comments

не только, впрочем, Ларри и Сергей — Марк тоже без ума от наших секретов:

A couple of months ago, a friend of mine asked on Facebook: “Do you think that Facebook tracks the stuff that people type and then erase before hitting ? (or the “post” button)”

Good question.


[T]he code in your browser that powers Facebook still knows what you typed — even if you decide not to publish it. It turns out that the things you explicitly choose not to share aren’t entirely private.

scared enough?


how is that not raising it?

25 December 2013 | Cryptography, Culturology, Jurisprudence, Politics, Privacy, Security | 1 Comment

программный рассказ Washington Post о встречах и разговорах с Эдвардом Сноуденом:

SNOWDEN: For me, in terms of personal satisfaction, the mission’s already accomplished. I already won. As soon as the journalists were able to work, everything that I had been trying to do was validated. Because, remember, I didn’t want to change society. I wanted to give society a chance to determine if it should change itself.


What the government wants is something they never had before. They want total awareness. The question is, is that something we should be allowing?

я не знаю, будет ли достаточно каких-то слов, чтобы выразить ему благодарность; то, что произошло, — это поворотный момент в истории коммуникаций, и если сейчас мы все еще не можем остановить их, то — по крайней мере — теперь мы хотя бы знаем об этом.