ячейка общества

20:40 | 08-11-2009 | Accessories, Architecture, Design, Literature | 1 Comment

как всегда, давайте сверимся с roadmap:

If the place had another name, Case didn’t know it; it was always referred to as Cheap Hotel. You reached it through an alley off Baiitsu, where an elevator waited at the foot of a transparent shaft. The elevator, like Cheap Hotel, was an afterthought, lashed to the building with bamboo and epoxy. Case climbed into the plastic cage and used his key, an unmarked length of rigid magnetic tape.

Case had rented a coffin here, on a weekly basis, since he’d arrived in Chiba, but he’d never slept in Cheap Hotel. He slept in cheaper places.

т.е., вот они, очередные прототипы.

а здесь (за компанию) можно почитать о CPUs:

Cayce Pollard Units. That’s what Damien calls the clothing she wears. CPUs are either black, white, or gray, and ideally seem to have come into this world without human intervention.


One Response to “ячейка общества”

  1. […] я выискиваю параллели там, где их нет: Its steel bones, its stranded tendons, were lost […]

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