путешествие к центру Земли

06:27 | 07-06-2010 | Geography, Story | No Comments

в центре Гватемалы снова появилась дыра — 3 года и 2 километра после первой:

“We are sinking,” said resident Carlos Ajanel. “Nobody can rule out the appearance of more holes and the possibility of a major human catastrophe.”

An investigation of the 2007 disaster blamed the city’s drainage system, which experts believe also caused the more recent one.

на карте их не видно, однако хватает и традиционных свидетельствчистый Мэтт Рафф, не иначе:

David Monterroso, a geophysics engineer at the National Disaster Management Agency, said buildings within 100 metres of the hole had been evacuated while his team evaluated the solidity of the ground with radar. “It’s evident that we need a full revision of the drainage system,” he said.

He said underground sewage leaks could have created a cavity that collapsed when the weight of the porous volcanic ground above increased during heavy rain. Ash from a nearby volcano that erupted a few days before may also have put extra pressure on the drains.

He added that once the hole had dried out experts would go down to analyse the soil.

но мы-то понимаем, в чем дело.


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