Archives for June 2010


25 June 2010 | Design, Software | 1 Comment

а вот еще один газетный интерфейс (особенно, если вам не понравился первый):

Good Noows, from ZNet Labs, is described as a personal news stream. And like Netvibes and others before it, is another attempt to take RSS mainstream.

In its first incarnation the product offers a simple but elegant RSS reader, with various newspaper-like page layouts and pre-defined content bundles.

однако, несмотря на все их усилия:

You can select between 9 layouts which vary in story placement and amount of information shown—ranging from a traditional newspaper layout to a more spartan ticker-style list.

в реультате получился фактически идеальный пример того, как не надо работать с новостями. что тоже успех, ага.


начинается с малого

24 June 2010 | Jurisprudence, Politics, Privacy, Security | 2 Comments

губернатор штата Нью-Йорк Дэвид Патерсон тоже предлагает всех переписать:

Gov. David Paterson has proposed roughly doubling New York’s DNA database to include samples from even low-level offenders, making it the first in the nation to so broadly collect and use this evidence to solve crimes and exonerate people wrongly convicted.

и все бы, конечно, хорошо, да и вряд ли я собираюсь убивать кого-нибудь, но опять досадные помехи — вот, например:

Robert Perry, New York Civil Liberties Union legislative director, said there are issues with privacy and the rights of defendants to due process — and that an independent analysis is needed first. He said problems from putting the DNA of thousands more people into the data bank include the risk of degraded samples, human error in testing labs and even intentional fraud.

а завтра, понятное дело, в этой базе окажутся все. и тогда даже на красный свет дорогу перейти вам не разрешат — потому что для ужесточения контроля за обществом надо всего лишь планомерно ужесточать законы.

то есть, как писал Генри Льюис Менкен:

The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one’s time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.

на том и стою.


просто вместе

24 June 2010 | Cinematograph | No Comments

и еще немного: Kubrick vs. Scorsese, a tribute:

Many friends after seeing my video “Tarantino vs Coen Brothers” requested me to do a new video duel of directors, so I decided to do now a tribute to my two favorite directors, Stanley Kubrick and Martin Scorsese, were 25 days re-watching 34 films, selected more than 500 scenes, and a hard work editing.




24 June 2010 | Lifeform, Literature, Science | No Comments

Роберт Бойль тоже, оказывается, Нострадамус, — пишет “The Washington Post”:

In the 1660s, English chemist Robert Boyle wrote an extraordinary document, a combination of wish list and predictions of what science might achieve in the coming centuries.


Samples from Boyle’s list:

  • The Prolongation of Life.
  • The Recovery of Youth, or at least some of the Marks of it, as new Teeth, new Hair colour’d as in youth.
  • The Art of Flying.
  • The Art of Continuing long under water, and exercising functions freely there.
  • The Cure of Wounds at a Distance.
  • The Cure of Diseases at a distance or at least by Transplantation.
  • <...>

но мы-то знаем, в чем дело.



непутевые заметки

23 June 2010 | Facebook, Geography, Google, Internet, Privacy, Security, Software | No Comments

уже писал мельком о Google Latitude, и жизнь, как оказалось, не стоит на месте:

Right now, what people share on Facebook is usually pretty tame: a status update, photo, a link, a video, an action in an app. The ones with the greatest potential to creep people out are the geo-specific ones, which probably explains why Facebook is taking its sweet time to roll out its own geo features like geo-tagged updates and photos. If you think the current uproar over Facebook privacy is bad, wait until Facebook embraces location-based apps in a big way.

на любой вкус и цвет:

When it comes to geo-privacy there are two extremes. Foursquare makes you explicitly check into each place where you want to share your location. That is good for privacy—you only have yourself to blame if you broadcast your location from the strip club—but it makes using the application a bit of a chore.


On the other end of the spectrum is Google Latitude, which constantly broadcasts your location everywhere you go, but only to people you allow to see it and only at the level of detail you are comfortable with (by city or general neighborhood, for instance). Latitude is a set it and forget it model.

хотелось бы, однако, чуть иначе:

Somewhere in between the concept of the explicit check-in and constant geo-tracking is the notion of geo-fences. The idea is that you would basically draw fences around neighborhoods or other locations from where you want to broadcast where you are and places where you don’t. So maybe anytime you travel a certain distance from your home or office, the geo-sharing could begin.

или вот так:

Drawing geo-fences is still a lot of work. What would be more helpful, perhaps, would be the ability to tell an application to broadcast your location anytime you are in a public space—a restaurant, a park, a bar, a conference.

как бы там ни было, потенциал в любом случае огромен, игрушки получились замечательные. но вот что делать с безопастностью?


пользовательский интерфейс

22 June 2010 | Architecture | No Comments

как известно, в Гонконге левостороннее движение. а в остальном Китае, наоборот, правостороннее. и как же быть, выбираясь с материка на остров? где менять привычки, и когда перестраиваться?

все сложности, впрочем, убираются прямо в море — восхитительное в своей змеиной элегантности решение.


youth without youth

21 June 2010 | Lifeform | No Comments

прекрасное, мне кажется:

The mosquito [device] works by emitting a pulse at 16-18.5 kilohertz that switches on and off four times a second for up to 20 minutes. It emits an irritating, high-pitched sound that can be heard only by children and people into their early 20s, and is used to prevent teenagers congregating outside shops, schools and railway stations.

хотя, конечно, настоящими засранцами они становятся куда позже.


новые формы

20 June 2010 | Lifeform, Literature | No Comments

к слову о книгопечатаниивот первые результаты нового проекта Нила Стивенсона:

And though I keep calling it a “book,” The Mongoliad is actually an app written for mobile devices (currently iPhone and iPad). I had a chance to look at an early version of the book for iPad this week, and [Jeremy] Bornstein walked me through its features.


The Mongoliad began as visual media, not text. “A year ago Neal said he had an idea for a movie and some of us got together and were writing a screenplay and the settling,” Bornstein recalls. “The first part was set 200 years earlier than the [movie story], and that’s what we’re releasing as The Mongoliad. We aren’t doing a movie because we don’t have the skills to do that. Instead, we have software folks like myself, and everything we need to build this story.”

While Stephenson, [Greg] Bear, and others worked on the text, Bornstein developed the app backend, focusing on collaborative software. The group dubbed the result the “personal ubiquitous literature platform,” or PULP.


Bornstein hinted that the book will eventually contain “a few games too.”

по ссылке так же более детальное описание проекта и одна картинка.


летние планы

20 June 2010 | Literature | 1 Comment

случайным образом раздобыл первую часть академического собрания сочинений А. П. Чехова в 30 томах. вторая часть, переписка, тома с 19-го по 30-ый, к сожалению, не достались, но, впрочем, есть они и в свободном доступе — вот здесь

так что уже перечитал “Безотцовщину”, теперь снова вернулся к “Чайке”. смешно, но опять вслед за кинематографом, — ничего не поделать, такие у меня нынче стимулы.

а еще купил впервые полностью изданный на русском языке знаменитый цикл Марселя Пруста “В поисках утраченного времени” — так что список внеклассного чтения на летние каникулы теперь, думаю, определен.

и это хорошо.


отпечатки мозга

19 June 2010 | Internet, Politics | 2 Comments

еще один сторонник всеобщей каталогизации:

He [Tiziano Motti] is eager to bring their message. And finally lands it in a conclusion, what he calls the overall aim of the initiative: “There will be no way to surf anonymously on the Internet. I want to introduce the so-called protected anonymity”, he says, drawing out the two terms.

According Tiziano Motti must find a balance on the net, and it shall be done by the “protected identity”. For anyone to access the network, he or she must identify themselves by submitting information to Internet service provider.

After each upload of text, images or video clips be traced by the authorities.

редкая мразь, судя по-всему, этот Тициано Мотти — как и Анна Заборская, скорее всего: потому что если сегодня они раздувают истерию и якобы “бьются” с ветрянными мельницами преступности, то завтра обязательно начнут читать и ваш интернет тоже — ведь для этого, как раз, все и затевается: для ужесточения тотального контроля за любым отдельно взятым гражданином.

характерна, кстати, схожесть мер, проводимых в разных странах под разными лозунгами — не питайте иллюзий, они идут не защишать вас, но управлять вами.
