тростник на ветру

10:09 | 06-10-2010 | Economics, History, Literature, Religion, Story | No Comments

замечательный сюжет для очередной проекции “Барочного цикла” — как говорится, а что было бы, если Нил Стивенсон писал бы его в древнеегипетских реалиях:

This paper uses over 700 years of Nile flood data and a novel data set on the tenure of Egyptian political and religious leaders to investigate how economic shocks affected the balance of power between “church” and “state” in pre-modern Egypt

и прекрасные выводы:

Results suggest that while deviant Nile floods increased political instability, such floods decreased the likelihood of a change in the highest ranking religious post. Additional empirical evidence is combined with the historical record to investigate the extent to which this pattern represents increased political influence of the religious elites. The paper concludes that Nile-induced economic crises appear to have increased the political influence of a subset of incumbent religious authorities.

ага, “Фараоном” Болеслава Пруса я в детстве зачитывался, разумеется.


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