Archives for February 2012

набор ссылок для оптимиста

22 February 2012 | Privacy, Security | No Comments

с каждым днем новости радуют все больше и больше — в Индии, например, за вами постоянно следят:

As per amendments made to operators’ licences, beginning May 31, operators would have to provide the Department of Telecommunications real-time details of users’ locations in latitudes and longitudes.

как, по сути, и в Канаде:

Privacy watchdogs caution if the so-called Lawful Access law is passed, it would give police access to webbrowsing history and sensitive personal information, and would grant greater permission to track the cellular phones of suspects – much of it without the requirement of a warrant.

впрочем, Канада вообще чудесное место, как оказалось:

The universities of Western Ontario and Toronto have signed a deal with Access Copyright that allows for surveillance of faculty correspondence, defines e-mailing hyperlinks as equivalent to photocopying a document, and imposes an annual $27.50 fee for every full-time equivalent student to pay for it all.

не лучше и другие осколки былых империй:

Australian police, along with government agencies, are accessing phone and internet account information, outward and inward call details, phone and internet access location data, and details of IP addresses visited of Australian citizens, all without judicial warrants

равно как и само королевство:

[UK] Landline and mobile phone companies and broadband providers will be ordered to store the data for a year and make it available to the security services under the scheme.

и так далее, и тому подобное — до бесконечности, в какую точку планеты не ткни, какой фргамент глобуса не загадай.

просто душа радуется.


немая пауза

21 February 2012 | Architecture, Lifeform | 1 Comment

еще о театральном сезоне.



20 February 2012 | Art | No Comments

painting begins with an idea.



19 February 2012 | Lifeform, Privacy, Science | 2 Comments

звучит, как начало романа:

Andrew Pole had just started working as a statistician for Target in 2002, when two colleagues from the marketing department stopped by his desk to ask an odd question: “If we wanted to figure out if a customer is pregnant, even if she didn’t want us to know, can you do that? ”

отличная[1] статья — ну, или вкратце рассказанную там историю можно прочитать здесь.

[1] — как раз математическим моделированием я, в основном, и занимался раньше.


I leave it you to figger out how far

19 February 2012 | Literature | No Comments

Роберт Уильям Сервис, “Баллада о гробнице Ленина” (ENG, RUS) и другие стихи (по ссылке и перевод, и оригинал).



19 February 2012 | Microsoft, Software | 2 Comments

казлаось бы, все точно:

Why then, instead of laughing at the iPhone, iPad, Android, or anything else that comes along, not employ a strategy of “Office Everywhere” and build platform specific and complementary versions of Office for every device that popped up? That, to me, seemed to be their biggest miss. Can you even fathom how many versions of “Office for iOS” they could have sold at this point? I would guess in the millions.

однако, появление мобильных платформ — это не столько упущенные доллары, сколько возрожденный иной подход к работе; не столько успешный продукт, сколько отсутствие в нем потребности:

Microsoft for many years had convinced the world that, in order to get “real work” done, you needed Office.


Like the curtain finally falling from the Wizard of Oz to find just a small, frail, man pretending to be far more powerful and relevant than he really was. Microsoft’s biggest miss was allowing the world to finally see the truth behind the big lie — they were not needed to get real work done. Or anything done, really.

именно: не пользуюсь Офисом уже 10 лет. и такие значки скоро можно будет продавать направо и налево.




19 February 2012 | Art | No Comments

и — созвучновновь о детской иллюстрации.

  Music: Aerial Service Area – Another Green Airport

кровь и плоть

19 February 2012 | Art | 3 Comments

а еще Корнелловские шкатулки можно делать самомутам же (“Join the gallery of Cornell-inspired boxes!”) есть множество детских работ, и они чудесные:

Marly was lost in the box, in its evocation of impossible distances, of loss and yearning. It was somber, gentle, and somehow childlike.



18 February 2012 | Apple, Software | No Comments

да, и еще:

Making OS X more like iOS is not a bad thing — iOS is fantastic — just so long as OS X is made more iOS like in only the areas that it clearly needs to be more iOS like. Thus far, this is exactly what Apple has done.

так что не бойтесь.


все мы немного страусы

18 February 2012 | Google, Lifeform, Privacy | No Comments

к слову о наболевшем:

When my 3-year-old notices I’ve seen him doing something wrong, he always stops doing it, hoping the whole issue will just go away. Google seems to have the same misconception.

хотя, все же, я думаю, что эта история несколько раздута — видимо, из-за недавних изменений в соглашенииях о конфиденциальности самого Google.