deus ludens

08:52 | 12-09-2012 | AI, Philosophy, Science | No Comments

что есть жизнь, мы не устаем искать. вот это[1]?

The essence of Rich Terrile’s theory is that a “programmer” from the future designed our reality to simulate the course of what the programmer considers to be ancient history — for whatever reason, maybe because he’s bored.

и в самом деле:

VICE: When did you first surmise that our reality could be a computer simulation?
Rich Terrile: Unless you believe there’s something magical about consciousness — and I don’t, I believe it’s the product of a very sophisticated architecture within the human brain — then you have to assume that at some point it can be simulated by a computer, or in other words, replicated. There are two ways one might accomplish an artificial human brain in the future. One of them is to reverse-engineer it, but I think it would be far easier to evolve a circuit or architecture that could become conscious. Perhaps in the next ten to 30 years we’ll be able to incorporate artificial consciousness into our machines.


Now brace yourself: In 30 years we expect that a PlayStation — they come out with a new PlayStation every six to eight years, so this would be a PlayStation 7—will be able to compute about 10,000 human lifetimes simultaneously in real time, or about a human lifetime in an hour.

помню, еще в детстве меня завораживало то, как объемны были игровые миры, сколь “многостраничны” — и уже тогда я считал, что значительно проще было бы не хранить заранее созданные карты в памяти, но генерировать их на ходу в соответствии с некоторым множеством правил, обеспечивая уникальность таких Вселенных:

The universe is also pixelated — in time, space, volume, and energy. There exists a fundamental unit that you cannot break down into anything smaller, which means the universe is made of a finite number of these units. This also means there are a finite number of things the universe can be; it’s not infinite, so it’s computable. And if it only behaves in a finite way when it’s being observed, then the question is: Is it being computed? Then there’s a mathematical parallel. If two things are mathematically equivalent, they’re the same. So the universe is mathematically equivalent to the simulation of the universe.

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