про разницу

03:57 | 30-03-2013 | Cinematograph, Personal | 1 Comment

зато у фильма “The Oranges”, наоборот, слишком политкорректный сценарий. однако, в жизни, по счастью, все куда интереснее — и не останавливаясь на достигнутом:

NINA: If you could lean across this table right now and kiss me… and no-one would say it was wrong, and there were no rules… would you do it?
DAVID: That’s a stupid question. I’m not gonna answer that.
NINA: Would you do it?
DAVID: What, if there were no rules? Yeah. Sure, I would.
NINA: There are no rules.


One Response to “про разницу”

  1. […] или вот еще одна moralité о пересечениях в возрасте: Prof. Peter Hoberg: You know how old I am? Jesse Fisher: No, how old are you? Prof. Peter Hoberg: It’s none of your goddamn business. Do you know how old I feel like I am? Jesse Fisher: [shrugs] Prof. Peter Hoberg: 19. Since I was 19, I have never felt not 19. But I shave my face, and I look in the mirror, and I’m forced to say, “This is not a 19-year-old staring back at me.” [sighs] Prof. Peter Hoberg: Teaching here all these years, I’ve had to be very clear with myself, that even when I’m surrounded by 19-year-olds, and I may have felt 19, I’m not 19 anymore. You follow me? Jesse Fisher: Yeah. Prof. Peter Hoberg: Nobody feels like an adult. It’s the world’s dirty secret. […]

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