your light bulbs will narrate their agonizing deaths

19:39 | 25-06-2013 | Internet, Lifeform, Metaphysics | No Comments

жизнь вещей, да:

The plummeting cost of the basics of computing—sensors, processors, network connections, batteries—will mean that in the very near future, objects all around us will start to change. They will no longer be just things; they will be connected things. They will be part of the network, our network. Our stuff will be on Facebook alongside us.

Pundits call it the internet of things. They mean things that have more than a simple essence of thingyness about them. Things that monitor their surroundings, measure changes, respond to those changes with voices and actions of their own. Not things that think, necessarily, but things that act.

как-то так:

Toe nail clippers will nag you from the drawer.

“You haven’t cut your toe nails for five weeks!” they’ll say via a message displayed on the bathroom mirror as you stare into it one morning. “It’s nearly summer. Thinking of wearing sandals? I wouldn’t if I were you.”

They’ll tweet you too.

бесподобное эссе. вспоминается “Убик”. и еще, как сказал поэт:

Вещи и люди нас
окружают. И те,
и эти терзают глаз.
Лучше жить в темноте[1].


  1. правда, он же и добавил:

    Вещи приятней. В них
    нет ни зла, ни добра
    внешне. А если вник
    в них – и внутри нутра.

    Внутри у предметов – пыль.
    Прах. Древоточец-жук.
    Стенки. Сухой мотыль.
    Неудобно для рук.

    Пыль. И включенный свет
    только пыль озарит.
    Даже если предмет
    герметично закрыт.



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