Archives for October 2013

so hot

21 October 2013 | Comix, Culturology, Humour | No Comments

или вот еще один чудесный комикс. если уж это не антропология, то я не знаю что она тогда.


двое — это уже стадо

20 October 2013 | Cinematograph, Culturology | 1 Comment

Александр Генис о своем видении кинематографа

Вы знаете, я тоже не люблю 2001: A Space Odyssey. <...> В Америке уже я посмотрел фильм, но он мне показался необычайно скучным и затянутым. Однажды я поделился этим соображением с Алексеем Германом, который мне сказал, что у него свои счеты с этой картиной, потому что она вытеснила из сознания мировой киноэлиты другой фильм на похожую – космическую – тему, а именно «Солярис» Тарковского. И еще он сказал, что нельзя даже сравнить эти две картины, потому что у Тарковского есть мысль, а здесь – претензия на нее.

what a dickhead.

добавлено: ok, ok, partially explained here.



19 October 2013 | Conspiracy, Culturology, Literature | No Comments

quote of the era:

You know where it all comes from, this online paradise of yours? It started back during the Cold War, when the think tanks were full of geniuses plotting nuclear scenarios. Attaché cases and horn-rims, every appearance of scholarly sanity, going in to work every day to imagine all the ways the world was going to end. Your Internet, back then the Defense Department called it DARPAnet, the real original purpose was to assure survival of U.S. command and control after a nuclear exchange with the Soviets.


Yep, and your Internet was their invention, this magical convenience that creeps now like a smell through the smallest details of our lives, the shopping, the housework, the homework, the taxes, absorbing our energy, eating up our precious time. And there’s no innocence. Anywhere. Never was. It was conceived in sin, the worst possible. As it kept growing, it never stopped carrying in its heart a bitter-cold death wish for the planet, and don’t think anything has changed, kid.


Call it freedom, it’s based on control. Everybody connected together, impossible anybody should get lost, ever again. Take the next step, connect it to these cell phones, you’ve got a total Web of surveillance, inescapable.


visual and physical experiences over time

18 October 2013 | Art | No Comments

Дэниэл Каталано, исследователь:

My current work, Figure Compositions, consist of single- and multi-figure compositions which eschew narrative in favor of non-objective structure. The use of the figure enables infinitely varying shape, color, and form as it is deployed in the pictorial matrix, while my examination of the nude is in search of its materialism within an absurdist view. The work is constructed as an assemblage of discontinuous forms that create abstract space through recognizable imagery.

мне кажется, такой поиск — это и есть самое главное в художнике.


что есть свет

17 October 2013 | History, Humour, Literature | 2 Comments

Александр Поуп, чудесный:

Nature and Nature’s laws lay hid in night:
God said, “Let Newton be!” and all was light.


а вы говорите “Барочный цикл” и Король бродяг…


a perfect day

16 October 2013 | Art | No Comments

все мы когда-то летали.


в лабиринтах

15 October 2013 | Geography, Literature | No Comments

зато чудесная карта викторианского Лондона, распластанная поверх современных Google Maps:

The National Library of Scotland’s Map Department, supported by David Rumsey, have taken some very high-resolution scans of the Ordnance Survey 1893-6 1:1056 (that’s 60 inches to the mile!) set of 500+ maps of London and, crucially, reorientated and stitched them together, so that they can be presented seamlessly (using OpenLayers) on top of a “standard” Google web map or OpenStreetMap, with the base map acting as a modern context.

определенно, время снова перечитывать “Квинкункс”:

How could I have a “real” name that I didn’t know? In that case, was there a real me that went along with it and that I also didn’t know?


выть волком

15 October 2013 | Culturology, Literature | No Comments

рецензии обычных людей на книги Томаса Пинчона — это редкое и ни с чем не сравнимое удовольствие. жаль в любимом [info]chto_chitat практически никто так и не сподобился.


not profitable

14 October 2013 | Economics, Facebook, Twitter | No Comments

она схватила ему за руку и неоднократно спросила: где ты девал деньги?

I don’t like Twitter, but I think it is a stronger business than Facebook. That said, I don’t see how their business (the part that makes money, ads) is sustainable while they allow third party services to use the API. The most “engaged” users are the ones actively trying to avoid ads. That’s the biggest threat to Twitter making money.

can’t get that, too.


dipping with sharks

13 October 2013 | Jurisprudence, Privacy, Security | No Comments

welcome to the Brave New World:

Many Americans would be surprised by how easily local law enforcement, IRS investigators, the FBI and private attorneys can reach into the vast pool of personal information about their lives with little more than a subpoena, which no judge needs to review.