AR Category Archives

в действии

23 November 2009 | AR | No Comments

кто-то наконец сравнил первых окрылившихся:

An anonymous reader points to this twopart review of several cell phone apps, in which the writer has “tested several mobile augmented reality browsers and their ability to find places to eat and function as a tourist guide by identifying tourist attractions in London,” writing, “This is the first review I have seen where all the browsers have been compared together; what’s interesting is all the browsers use different data sources, and so either miss popular locations or give the wrong location.”



25 September 2009 | Animation, AR | No Comments

или вот еще одно художественное произведение с технологиями:

The plot is set in 2074 Belgrade. The main character is Edit, a female psychology student. After failing the same university exam for the sixth time, she decides to visit a dealer on the black market who installs a stolen military chip in her to help her pass. To her surprise, the chip affords her abilities greater than she ever imagined. And, needless to say, the government/military is intent on getting back the chip. From that moment, her life changes and unusual things start happening to her.

жду с нетерпением.



записать в словарик

20 September 2009 | AR | No Comments

@bruces начал перечислять терминологию и жаргон, которыми обрастает новая реальность:

“a graphic object displayed at some physical world location:” Augment, Arbject, Fobject, Overlay, Telepresence , PURL, Geovirtual

“a graphic object displayed at some physical world location:” sign, peg, airtag, GeoTag; Arcon; glyph, aumento, virject

RT @genebecker more jARgon: “eyepaper, pixies, floaters, auggies, sparm, pharts, aurora digitalis”

Even more #augmented jARgon: pin, phycon, phob, aubject, vizig, vircities, vobject, vob

заодно и посмотренный у него же свежий ролик от Nokia, который и вовсе смешивает все в одну кучу.


my way

19 September 2009 | AR | No Comments

вот оно, программное обеспечение моего будущего телефона:

Avoidabot: Augmented Reality app that locates people you know and routes you around the annoying bastards.

а заодно и список прекрасный нашелся.



1 September 2009 | AR, MIR, MT, Software | No Comments

еще один ликбез, дабы не путать очевидное:

There are 3 new technologies competing for attention on today’s mobile phones: Augmented Reality (AR), Mobile Image Recognition (MIR) and Mobile Tagging (MT). This briefing aims to provide a short introduction to all three, position them against each other and illustrate how all they can co-exist together.



nouvelle vague

7 August 2009 | AR | No Comments

временa меняются: мы будем заново создавать города, мы обретем свободу передвижения, мы заведем себе новых любовниц и собак.

мы станем другими.


страна призраков

6 August 2009 | AR | 1 Comment

почти все, что вы хотели узнать об augmented reality, но боялись спросить.

via @timoreilly.