Crime Category Archives

под колпаком

4 March 2015 | Crime, Jurisprudence, Privacy | No Comments

или вот так:

The Supreme Court on Monday let stand the conviction of a rapist[1] whose prosecution rested on DNA swiped from the armrests of an interrogation-room chair.

Without comment, the justices refused to review a 4-3 decision from Maryland’s top court that upheld the life sentence and conviction of Glenn Raynor.

трое несогласных судей из вышеупомянутого решения, однако, смотрят немного чуть дальше:

The Majority’s approval of such police procedure means, in essence, that a person desiring to keep her DNA profile private, must conduct her public affairs in a hermetically-sealed hazmat suit.Moreover, the Majority opinion will likely have the consequence that many people will be reluctant to go to the police station to voluntarily provide information about crimes for fear that they, too, will be added to the CODIS database. <...> The Majority’s holding means that a person can no longer vote, participate in a jury, or obtain a driver’s license, without opening up his genetic material for state collection and codification. Unlike DNA left in the park or a restaurant, these are all instances where the person has identified himself to the government authority.

как и EFF:

“As human beings, we shed hundreds of thousands of skin and hair cells daily, with each cell containing information about who we are, where we come from, and who we will be,” EFF Senior Staff Attorney Jennifer Lynch said. “The court must recognize that allowing police the limitless ability to collect and search genetic material will usher in a future where DNA may be collected from any person at any time, entered into and checked against DNA databases, and used to conduct pervasive surveillance.”


  1. пожалуйста, детали из жизни полицейского государства:

    After 22 suspects were eliminated, the victim thought of Glenn Joseph Raynor. When Raynor told police he had nothing to do with a rape, they told him to give them a DNA sample. He stated he would do so if they could assure him his DNA would not go into a database. When police told him his DNA would go into a database, he refused to give a sample. Police then asked to talk with Raynor, who complied. After the conversation, as soon as Raynor left the police barracks, police swabbed the chair where he had been seated, obtained a DNA sample, analyzed it without a warrant and made a match. Raynor was convicted in the rape.



монополия на насилие

10 July 2014 | Crime, Economics, Internet, Jurisprudence | 1 Comment

тем временем, в случае с Silk Road мы наблюдаем очередное показное делопроизводство:

That earlier motion, filed in April, raised potentially trial-shifting questions: Can Ulbricht really be accused of running a drug-selling conspiracy when he merely ran a website that made the narcotics sales possible? And can he be charged with money laundering when bitcoin doesn’t necessarily meet the requisite definition of money?’

According to [Judge Katherine] Forrest’s latest ruling, yes and yes. She rejected every argument made in the defense’s motion, starting with the idea that Ulbricht had merely provided an innocent platform for hosting the Silk Road’s illicit e-commerce, just as eBay might occasionally host illegal content without its knowledge.

сам Ульбрихт, конечно, личность в достаточной мере одиозная, и некоторые вопросы разумеется нуждаются в ответах. но обвинять в создании платформы для торговли или в отмывании денег на основании до сих пор не формализованных инструментов — это, как минимум, весьма странно[1].


  1. что, впрочем, не отменяет определенного здравого подхода в ее положениях:

    Put simply, funds can be used to pay for things in the colloquial sense. Bitcoins can be either used directly to pay for certain things or can act as a medium of exchange and be converted into a currency which can pay for things. Indeed, the only value for Bitcoin lies in its ability to pay for things – it is digital and has no earthly form; it cannot be put on a shelf and looked at or collected in a nice display case. Its form is digital – bits and bytes that together constitute something of value. And they may be bought and sold using legal tender.

    проблема, иными словами, в другом: в том, как власть жонглирует этими понятиями в зависимости от того, что на данный момент требуется — и здесь мы снова видим еще один пример таких манипуляций.  ↩


everybody should have some fake ID

25 November 2013 | Crime, Culturology, Humour, Lifeform | 2 Comments

а вот отличная статья Брюса Стерлинга о Россе Ульбрихте, Ужасном Пирате Россе:

Dread Pirate Roberts is the Napster of meth, he’s the Facebook of ‘shrooms. He’s also a man of almost 30, who, despite his degree in science, has apparently never been employed by anyone. Dread Pirate Roberts, through a cruel twist of history, is a Depression Millennial. Nemo 2.0 here, this pseudonymous, legendary, subaquatic figure, is scraping along in conditions of grave hardscrabble obscurity, very much like some period Jules Verne Parisian bohemian. Basically, he’s a failure-to-launch. He can’t get his foot on the ever-narrowing ladder of America’s stricken capitalism.

Dread Pirate Roberts, he of the dashing cloak and cutlass, is also a gray-man survivor. He is covert, invisible, zero-history. Quiet as a mouse in his out-of-state den in San Francisco, he roars like a lion to a gathering network army of deeply impressed potheads. He’s “Josh,” a clean-skin with no distinguishing marks. He’s a no-hoper from an oppressed and neglected generation, quietly waiting for his fake ID from Canada. While he waits to change his name, fantastic heaps of Bitcoin funny money sift into his cypherpunk wallet. He’s a thriving multimillionaire, but never in possession of actual dough.

Dread Pirate Roberts is one of the new ones, folks. I mean those strange guys who are colossal on the Internet, while simultaneously crammed and repressed into tiny physical niches.

плюс, еще немного интриги:

Two Israeli computer scientists say they may have uncovered a puzzling financial link between Ross William Ulbricht, the recently arrested operator of the Internet black market known as the Silk Road, and [Satoshi Nakamoto] the secretive inventor of bitcoin, the anonymous online currency, used to make Silk Road purchases.

есть над чем задуматься[1].


  1. необходимость легализации, впрочем, сомнений у меня не вызывает.  ↩


процедура импичмента

19 November 2013 | Crime, Politics | 2 Comments

иными словами, очевидный вывод так и напрашивается:

Last month I received an encrypted email from someone calling himself by the pseudonym Kuwabatake Sanjuro, who pointed me towards his recent creation: The website Assassination Market, a crowdfunding service that lets anyone anonymously contribute bitcoins towards a bounty on the head of any government official–a kind of Kickstarter for political assassinations. According to Assassination Market’s rules, if someone on its hit list is killed — and yes, Sanjuro hopes that many targets will be — any hitman who can prove he or she was responsible receives the collected funds.

вот это, я понимаю, ответственность перед избирателями.



15 November 2013 | Crime, Politics, Religion | No Comments

Джошуа Хаким, очевидцев бойни в супермаркете в Найроби:

Then an Indian man came forward and they said, ‘What is the name of Muhammad’s mother?’ When he couldn’t answer they just shot him.

вот и все.


за решеткой

1 November 2013 | Crime, Culturology, Jurisprudence | No Comments

ну что, вот об этом я и говорил:

The girlfriend of Colorado Avalanche goalie Semyon Varlamov says he kicked her in the chest knocking her to the ground, then stomped on her chest, grabbed her by the hair and dragged her.

или такой перевод:

Как сообщил отец Варламова, Семен всего лишь решил свозить свою девушку в кино против ее воли, а она, как и принято в Америке, сразу же заявила в полицию.

оставлю экспертам решать, что и как произошло в реальности, но сама интонация “всего лишь решил свозить свою девушку в кино против ее воли”, она по-настоящему изумительна. авторам даже не проходит в голову, что случившееся — это действительно преступление. и, да, черт побери, существует именно что простое слово “нет”, уважать которое обязан любой здравомыслящий человек, как бы абсурдно или бессмысленно оно ему не казалось.

есть, кстати, и другой аспект разницы в восприятии:

Рядовая российская гражданка жалуется денверской полиции на отнюдь не рядового российского согражданина – и тут же государство ей верит.

поверить рядовой гражданке? не поверить “отнюдь не рядовому”? ну да, это, конечно, вообще за гранью (bitter sarcasm off).

все межкультурные little differences, несуществование которых вам будут долго и с криками доказывать, в этой истории бросаются в глаза, словно огромные предупредительные огни. и граница, линия, где они находятся, проходит исключительно по нашим жизням.

потому что среда, где хоть кого-нибудь против ее или его воли можно “везти в кино” или игнорировать ввиду ее или его незначительности — это больше не гражданское общество, но тюрьма.


с миру по нитке

8 April 2013 | Crime, Economics, Lifeform | No Comments

или вот, например, экономический анализ трудовых будней наркомафии.

даешь легалайз, право слово.


анонимный кабель

10 October 2012 | Copyright, Crime, Internet, Jurisprudence | No Comments


A landmark case in the US will test whether internet piracy claims made by copyright firms will stand up in court.

Such cases rely on identifying the IP address of machines from which content was illegally downloaded as evidence of wrongdoing.

Experts have questioned whether the IP address is sufficient evidence because it identifies an internet connection rather than an individual.

хоть и с опозданием лет на 30. зато, глядишь, может Касперский теперь удавится.


жизнь других

29 September 2012 | Crime, Jurisprudence, Politics, Privacy | No Comments

и все-таки идея татуировок из концентрационных лагерей кажется иным слишком хорошей:

Thousands of ex-offenders are to be targeted in a national drive [in the United Kingdom] to add their profiles to the police DNA database in an attempt to solve hundreds of crimes.


идет охота

20 September 2012 | Censorship, Crime, Internet, Jurisprudence, Politics | 1 Comment

одного из создателей языка разметки Markdown, Аарона Шварца, определенно вознамерились показательно засудить:

Federal prosectors added nine new felony counts [to previous four] against well-known coder and activist Aaron Swartz, who was charged last year for allegedly breaching hacking laws by downloading millions of academic articles from a subscription database via an open connection at MIT.

там много интересного[1]:

In essence, many of the charges stem from Swartz allegedly breaching the terms of service agreement for those using the research service.


The case tests the reach of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which was passed in 1984 to enhance the government’s ability to prosecute hackers who accessed computers to steal information or to disrupt or destroy computer functionality.

The government, however, has interpreted the anti-hacking provisions to include activities such as violating a website’s terms of service or a company’s computer usage policy, a position a federal appeals court in April said means “millions of unsuspecting individuals would find that they are engaging in criminal conduct.” The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in limiting reach of the CFAA, said that violations of employee contract agreements and websites’ terms of service were better left to civil lawsuits.

  1. но, к сожалению, мне так же неизменно вспоминается одна цитата из книги Филипа Дика:

    This has been a novel about some people who were punished entirely too much for what they did. They wanted to have a good time, but they were like children playing in the street; they could see one after another of them being killed — run over, maimed, destroyed — but they continued to play anyhow.  ↩