Photo Category Archives

area of interest

1 April 2015 | Art, Photo | No Comments

текстуры и облака.


for Wim

11 March 2015 | Architecture, Geography, Photo | 2 Comments

прекрасные фасады Стамбула.



6 February 2015 | Photo | 1 Comment

домработница из Филипин, Ксиза Круз Бакани, живущая в Гонконге, делает исключительно волшебные снимки, срезы октужающей ее жизни. еще не Вивиан Майер, но тоже очень хорошая.


сплетенья ног, души сплетенья

12 January 2015 | Personal, Photo, Sex, Sport | 5 Comments

или, например, фотографии Пола Сандерса, где запечатлены люди, практикующие дома танцы с шестом — замечательные, право, кадры, но мне вспомнилось иное: давым-давно на протяжении пары лет я встречался с прекрасной девушкой, что обещала непременно установить у нас в спальне ровно такой же, для поддержания азарта (и, да, она умела с ним обращаться). дальше, комнат с правом на совместное обустройство у нас так и не появилось — но теперь, глядя на снимки, я опять немедленно подумал, что это и к счастью. хотя, в общем, сходу и не поймешь, отчего.

“I just don’t forget anything, me,” — как сказал когда-то автор, — “Mnemosyne was, let us unravel it, the mother of the Muses.”



the beauty in the banal

24 April 2014 | Art, Photo | 2 Comments

заставить обыденное жить:

There is something sacred in the profane, something beautiful and lasting in the fleeting moment of forgotten things that get thrown away or left behind. My paintings are inspired from macro photographs of decaying objects found in the urban landscape; details of worn out magazines, wires, rusted nails or wooden poles layered with staples and torn up paper. These mass-produced items are used to serve a momentary purpose then left to decay in their natural surroundings. In this transitional state, in this moment somewhere between glory and gloom, I find a new world that is a part of every day life even though we rarely notice it. Only upon careful consideration, are there layers and layers of worlds existing within each other that unravel. Time and the cycle of life of these objects are what I find fascinating. I see the aesthetics of decay – a natural decay of the objects – as one aspect. Then there is the period of time and history materialized; time forms a unique trace of its trajectory, influenced by its surrounding environment and climate. At the same time, these objects are naturally evolving and slowly decaying to its death.

My paintings are created by capturing that perfect moment.



my God, it’s full of snaps

14 April 2014 | History, Photo | No Comments

фотографии со съемок “2001: A Space Odyssey”


aim your pistols

16 March 2014 | Cinematograph, Photo | No Comments

my God, it’s full of stars:

In conjunction with the exhibition Stanley Kubrick, LACMA created a FREE app for iPhone, iPad and Android. The app features photographs, script notes, an interactive timeline of Kubrick’s career, and original interviews with Stan Douglas, Elvis Mitchell, Chris Nolan, Terry Semel, David Slade and Douglas Trumbull about the director’s life and legacy. Excerpts from a rare 1965 interview with Kubrick, courtesy of Jeremy Bernstein, are also included.


unfolding spaces

5 March 2014 | Photo | No Comments

and that’s the country we’ve just been talking about.

what a beauty.


red army go home

3 March 2014 | History, Photo | No Comments

some things never change.

updated: I shouldn’t have posted the entry above, it’s definitely quite a wide generalization, and one ought to avoid such, well, perspectives by all means (even though both the Soviet Union then and the Russian Federation today seem to have gone insane).

however, I still think these links are worth to remember — for our own sake, — and therefore that deleted text is here to stay.

Ukraine, my heart is with you.


звучит, как начало романа

20 December 2013 | History, Photo, Story | No Comments

…и еще, случайно застряв проездом в Нижних Овчинках, в старой рюмочной на улице Коммунаров в полуподвале опять встретил Элизабет Тэйлор и Грейс Келли — повариха Иокаста Станиславовна has put perhaps too much kirsch in the fondue to find that we…

смешная фотография, правда.
