Science Category Archives

о связях

31 March 2013 | History, Science | 1 Comment

Нил Деграсс Тайсон отвечает на вопросы:

Q: If you could meet any scientist who ever lived, who would it be?

A: Isaac Newton. No question about it. The smartest person ever to walk the face of this earth. The man was connected to the universe in spooky ways.


…в крови

25 February 2013 | Biology, Lifeform, Literature, Science | No Comments

и с другой стороны:

Synthetic biologists have developed DNA modules that perform logic operations in living cells. These ‘genetic circuits’ could be used to track key moments in a cell’s life or, at the flick of a chemical switch, change a cell’s fate, the researchers say.

Synthetic biology seeks to bring concepts from electronic engineering to cell biology, treating gene functions as components in a circuit. To that end, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge have devised a set of simple genetic modules that respond to inputs much like the Boolean logic gates used in computers.

если вы еще не читали короткую повесть Грега Бира, то отчего бы не сделать это сейчас?


а вы говорите метеориты…

18 February 2013 | Photo, Science | No Comments

пожалуйста, обсерватория на заднем дворе:

My photographs comprise a solar diary, portraits of a moment in the life of our local star. Most are captured from my backyard in Buffalo, NY. Using a small telescope and narrow band filters I can capture details in high resolution and record movements in the solar atmosphere that change over hours and sometimes minutes.

The raw material for my work is black and white and often blurry. As I prepare the pictures, color is applied and tonality is adjusted to better render the features. It is photojournalism of a sort. The portraits are real, not painted. Aesthetic decisions are made with respect for accuracy as well as for the power of the image.

снимки потрясающие, да. и этот неповторимый энтузиазм домашних изыскателей — он действительно прекрасен.



происхождение видов

14 February 2013 | Metaphysics, Science | No Comments

Нил Деграсс Тайсон в одном из интервью.

Everything that we are, that distinguishes us from chimps, emerges from that 1% difference in DNA. It has to because that’s the difference. The Hubble telescope, the grand… that’s in that 1%. Maybe, everything that we are that is not the chimp is not as smart compared to the chimp as we tell ourselves it is. Maybe the difference between constructing and launching a Hubble telescope and a chimp combining two finger motions as sign language- maybe that difference is not all that great. We tell ourselves it is. Just the same way we label our books optical illusions. We tell ourselves it’s a lot. Maybe it’s almost nothing.

How would we decide that? Imagine another life form. That’s 1% different from us. In the direction that we are different from the chimp.



31 January 2013 | Science | No Comments

немного о логике, инфографика.



27 January 2013 | Biology, History, Science | No Comments

или с другой стороны:

Alfred Russel Wallace discovered natural selection independently of Charles Darwin. Through his letters, available online for the first time, he tells us of his research, expeditions and enduring fascination for nature’s mysteries.



27 December 2012 | Science | No Comments

значительно больше несостоявшегося, мне, кстати, нравится такой конец света:

7.9 billion [years from now]: The Sun reaches the tip of the red giant branch, achieving its maximum radius of 256 times the present day value. In the process, Mercury, Venus and possibly Earth are destroyed.

During these times, it is possible that Saturn’s moon Titan could achieve surface temperatures necessary to support life.


the stars my destination

23 December 2012 | Science | No Comments

электронная книга “Hubble Space Telescope Discoveries”:

Soar through the universe with the Hubble Space Telescope, exploring discoveries from dark energy to colliding galaxies. This highly interactive eBook features video, image galleries and more to reveal the record of scientific breakthroughs behind Hubble’s stunning images of the cosmos.

For more than two decades, Hubble has had a front-row seat for cosmic events: comets plunging into Jupiter, the explosive death of stars, the birth of new solar systems, and more. In the process, it has changed the face of astronomy. Learn about Hubble’s revelations and take a tour of the history and technology of the telescope.

available on iPad.


елки против шишек

23 November 2012 | Science | 1 Comment

немного математики под чудесно торопливый девичий рассказ — и в окружении подсолнухов, конечно же.


чуть больше месяца

12 November 2012 | Science | No Comments

quote of the day:

If anyone else asks me about “Nibiru” the imaginary bullshit planet I will slap them around their irrational heads with Newton’s Principia.

Brian Cox.

а жаль, конечно, — по-крайней мере, это было бы весело.