науке вопреки

10:41 | 07-11-2009 | Science | 1 Comment

а с Большим адронным коллайдером дела опять не славабогу — теперь это птицы:

The bird dropped some bread on a section of outdoor machinery, eventually leading to significant over heating in parts of the accelerator. The LHC was not operational at the time of the incident, but the spike produced so much heat that had the beam been on, automatic failsafes would have shut down the machine.

oпределенно, история с путешествениками во времени имеет место быть:

The New York Times has unearthed an article by physicists Holger Bech Nielsen and Masao Ninomiya that pose a number of ‘timeless’ questions surrounding the LHC.

The essay is titled ‘Test of Effect From Future in Large Hadron Collider: a Proposal’ – although we would have called it ‘Run for it Marty: Doc Brown was right’ – and put forward the theory that bad luck will dog the launch of the LHC, with future influences stopping the Collider from doing its job.

Interestingly, these theories were announced before the calamitous string of incidents that have postponed the LHC from finding the hallowed Higgs boson particle.

жаль, впрочем — я-то все жду не дождусь.


One Response to “науке вопреки”

  1. […] адронный коллайдер наконец-то заработал: Physicists at the Large Hadron Collider, located underground near the […]

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