что такое свобода?

14:09 | 27-01-2010 | Culturology, Jurisprudence | 1 Comment

замечательный человек Стивен Гоф, оказывается:

<...> a former Royal Marine turned activist from Eastleigh, Hampshire, famous for walking the length of Great Britain from Land’s End to John o’ Groats in 2003–2004 with nothing on except boots, socks, rucksack and sometimes a hat. He has been arrested several times and put in prison in the course of his ramble.

ну, и так далее:

On 18 December 2008 he was convicted of a breach of the peace and jailed for 12 months. In July 2009, Gough, standing in the dock naked, was jailed at Perth for a further 12 months for breach of the peace. Sheriff MacFarlane was told that the bill for dealing with Gough had cost the public an estimated several hundred thousand pounds. The court heard how Gough had finished a previous jail term at Perth Prison and was released to enjoy freedom for the first time in several months. However, his freedom lasted less than 30 seconds after he walked naked from the prison door to Edinburgh Road. Gough was also sentenced to four months for refusing to dress before the trial.

молодец, я думаю — этому европейскому сброду определенно нужно зеркало, в котором они бы постоянно видели собственное убожество и зашоренность:

Gough said: ‘Essentially this is about individual freedom and people’s tolerance to other people being different. I understand a lot of people will disagree and have strong feelings about it.

Walking the amount of miles I have, through towns and cities, it is on the whole a very small moral minority who act in an irrational way. I believe I am behaving in a reasonable way.’



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