футбольная страна

10:26 | 12-07-2010 | Copyright, Geography | 2 Comments

в Бразилии, кстати, предложили убить DRM:

Brazil has proposed a broad update to its copyright law (Portuguese) and it contains a surprising idea: penalize anyone who “hinders or impedes” fair use rights or obstructs the use of work that has already fallen into the public domain.

A huge win for consumers? Sure, but it gets better. A moment’s thought reminds us that most DRM schemes will eventually run afoul the above provisions, since they apply in perpetuity. That DRMed music file will still be DRMed even after the song has fallen into the public domain.

So Brazil wants to ensure that DRM “has time-limited effects that correspond to the period of the economic rights over the work, performance, phonogram or broadcast.” Once copyright has expired, DRM should, too.

As if that’s not enough, Brazil says that DRM can be bypassed in order to make any “fair” use of the work or in cases where the copyright has expired but the DRM has not.

да и вообще там хорошо.



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