про занавески

14:46 | 14-06-2011 | Politics, Privacy, Security | 3 Comments

хорошее исследование[1] ложности аргумента “мне нечего скрывать”, эссе профессора Даниэля Дж. Солова:

In this essay, I will explore the nothing to hide argument and its variants in more depth. Grappling with the nothing to hide argument is important, because the argument reflects the sentiments of a wide percentage of the population. In popular discourse, the nothing to hide argument’s superficial incantations can readily be refuted. But when the argument is made in its strongest form, it is far more formidable.

In order to respond to the nothing to hide argument, it is imperative that we have a theory about what privacy is and why it is valuable. At its core, the nothing to hide argument emerges from a conception of privacy and its value. What exactly is “privacy”? How valuable is privacy and how do we assess its value? How do we weigh privacy against countervailing values? These questions have long plagued those seeking to develop a theory of privacy and justifications for its legal protection.


[1] — довольно многословно, но зато познавательно и весьма интересно.


3 Responses to “про занавески”

  1. […] кстати: аргумент “nothing to hide” ошибочен в корне. […]

  2. […] о себе знать, пусть даже сейчас все это и кажется нам иллюзорной фантазией: само только наличие подобных маркеров означает […]

  3. s says:

    кстати, перевод, если кому.

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