this is how totalitarianism starts

10:03 | 21-08-2013 | Jurisprudence, Politics, Privacy, Security | 1 Comment

о нашем общем будущем:

[A] “terrorist” is anyone the spooks say is a terrorist. In the past, we might reasonably assume our intelligence agencies targeted people who presented a potential threat to us. With the Miranda detention, it’s clear that a “terrorist” is anyone who presents a threat to them.

о предъявленном ультиматуме:

I think even lifelong British bureaucrats understand that destroying the Guardian’s hardware did nothing to destroy the data that lives on it. Encrypted copies abound – if not in England, then certainly in Russia, Germany, and Brazil.

No, they did it to send a message. And that message is, Your debate is inconsequential. We control the horizontal and the vertical. We’ll do what we want, and there’s nothing you can do to stop us.

о начале гражданской войны:

[Y]anking David Miranda out of a queue at Heathrow, tossing him into an interrogation room, and sweating him for nine hours <...>, too, was sending a message.

It was a warning to Greenwald but also to journalists and whistleblowers in general: The gloves are coming off. Or as the kids like to say, s**t just got real.


One Response to “this is how totalitarianism starts”

  1. […] слову о Гленне Гринвальде и Дэвиде Миранда — Эндрю […]

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