на расстоянии клавиатуры

13:33 | 29-01-2014 | Culturology, Sex | 1 Comment

вот, например, показательное о самом обычном сексизме в IT[1]:

I walk in and a group of people are already sitting at a long table. I say hi and hover for a second, determining where to sit. Entirely uninvited, and before I even have a chance to react, one guy proceeds to grab me by the waist and pull me into an awkward, grope-y side hug next to him on the bench. To reiterate, I’ve never met this man in my life. I try giving him the benefit of the doubt and make some quip about his being a friendly sort, but it gets uncomfortable pretty quickly when he puts his hand on my leg and leaves it there until I squirm uncomfortably.

и еще, пожалуйста, перепись таких же; наслаждайтесь.

  1. применимо к любой области, конечно же, но именно в IT максимально четко бросается в глаза.  ↩


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