классификация, еще

10:42 | 09-11-2009 | Literature | 1 Comment

что, впрочем, совершенно не умаляет значимости научной фантастики вообще, как места приложения писательских сил:

Kim Stanley Robinson, one of the greatest science fiction authors writing today, has hit out at the literary establishment, accusing the Man Booker judges of “ignorance” in neglecting science fiction, which he called “the best British literature of our time”.

и еще (1 + 2) о том же, да и не только:

J.C. Hutchins: <...> the contents of a great SF/F book, even with resonantly-crafted themes and likable characters, usually resides behind a wall of unfamiliar narrative turf, and terms, for most mainstream readers. We’ve built this wall ourselves, with our esoteric world-building, peculiar technologies and heady concepts. These things demand a considerable leap of faith from a mainstream reader. The barrier of entry can be even higher, particularly for sub-genres such as Military SF, or hard SF.

т.е., к сожалению, не все дается, не всем:

<...> [Robinson] pointed to a little known letter written by Virginia Woolf to the science fiction writer Olaf Stapledon, after he had sent her a copy of his novel Star Maker. “I don’t suppose that I have understood more than a small part – all the same I have understood enough to be greatly interested, and elated too, since sometimes it seems to me that you are grasping ideas that I have tried to express, much more fumblingly, in fiction,” wrote Woolf. “But you have gone much further and I can’t help envying you – as one does those who reach what one has aimed at.”


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