
08:22 | 28-06-2011 | Copyright, Media, Technology | No Comments

и продолжая разговор о dead media — книги в самом деле отживают свое:

We are in a special moment that will not last beyond the end of this century: Paper books are plentiful. They are cheap and everywhere, from airports to drug stores to libraries to bookstores to the shelves of millions of homes. There has never been a better time to be a lover of paper books. But very rapidly the production of paper books will essentially cease, and the collections in homes will dwindle, and even local libraries will not be supported to house books — particularly popular titles. Rare books will collect in a few rare book libraries, and for the most part common paper books archives will become uncommon. It seems hard to believe now, but within a few generations, seeing a actual paper book will be as rare for most people as seeing an actual lion.

там же, конечно, и рецепт:

<...> The same guy who has been backing up the internet (yes the entire web!), and is racing Google to scan all books into digital files, has recently become concerned about the lack of a physical archive for all these digitized books. That guy is Brewster Kahle, the founder of the Internet Archive. Brewster noticed that Google and Amazon and other countries scanning books would cut non-rare books open to scan them, or toss them out after scanning. He felt this destruction was dangerous for the culture.


Brewster decided that he should keep a copy of every book they scan so that somewhere in the world there was at least one physical copy to represent the millions of digital copies. That safeguarded random book would become the type specimen of that work. If anyone ever wondered if the digital book’s text had become corrupted or altered, they could refer back to the physical type that was archived somewhere safe.

но я хочу обратить ваше внимание на другое: бумажные книги, samizdat — это то, что никакими копирайт-акциями нельзя запретить к распространению. потому что, кто знает, может в знаменитой антиутопии Брэдбери и жгли-то бумажные книги именно потому, что их наличие не согласовывалось с программой от какого-нибудь Amazon?

и только Столлман все давным-давно знал.


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