о самоотдаче

09:11 | 30-11-2011 | Apple, Design, Google | 2 Comments

там же, кстати, и еще одно весьма точное наблюдение:

And part of me wants to appeal to publishers based on the Apple argument. That argument says: if you do what Apple does — pay extraordinary attention to user experience; make elegant and delightful things — then you will make money.

Though Apple continuously proves this argument true, I’m not sure most people will ever believe it. It requires a certain amount of faith, and it requires trusting intuition and taste more than analytics and received wisdom. It requires a belief in humanity — or, perhaps more accurately, respect for humanity — that is believed to be incompatible with business.

и что тут хотеть, если, к примеру, на другой стороне баррикад руководство Google сами не пользуются своим изумительным Google+?


2 Responses to “о самоотдаче”

  1. […] снова, пожалуйста, о несостоятельности Google: [W]hen Facebook unveiled the […]

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