
09:19 | 11-12-2012 | Cinematograph, Culturology, Literature | No Comments

а вот, например, оказывается взгляды одних на жизни других:

The book Black Like Me detailed how one man—namely a white American—assumed the cover of a black man in America for six weeks to better understand what it was like. His experiences, detailed in the book, are an incredible read. Timothy Kurek, a conservative Christian, recently spent a year maintaining the cover of a gay man for similar reasons. He wanted to understand the experiences of people who lived a life apart from his, and he wanted to see if and how it would change him, and the results of his experiment are amazing.

впрочем, лучше, чем известный герой Джека Николсона, эту роль все равно никому не сыграть.


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