
15:41 | 27-01-2013 | Economics, Internet, Lifeform, Politics | 1 Comment

Евгений Морозов, автор книги “The Net Delusion”, о простых вещах и политике:

I’m not against technological fixes. I’ve been studying how different cities police their metros, their subways[1]. Berlin, for example, trusts travellers: so you buy your ticket, you travel and occasionally someone might come and check your ticket. In New York, you have turnstiles that you cannot circumvent. While in London, you have a hybrid system. And all of them assume different things of the people who use them. You know, probably, the Berlin system is far more liberal than the New York system because it gives them the opportunity to do wrong and then pay for it. So, it’s not a technological fix. In New York, it’s a complete technological fix. So the technology takes away our ability to do wrong. It automates virtue. So it’s a technological fix that works. It just needs to be scrutinised and debated. So there are technological fixes. When you are trying to do something small and you know what you want to accomplish, such as policing your metro system, it’s binary thing: either you get there and it works or it doesn’t. With democracy it’s much more difficult.

или чуть раньше:

Questions about the internet and democracy assume too much and demand too much of the internet. But also democracy itself is a sticky word. The Chinese government would say that the Chinese already live in a democracy, and they’d say that you have in America and Britain is not a democracy. They’d point at your new surveillance laws and say, ‘Hey it’s more draconian than what we have, how dare you criticise us?’

в точку. и дальше, глубже:

But again, the internet has clearly played a role [in the Arab Spring] — no one is denying that. You know, Twitter, Facebook have all had a role to play. But, at this point, the question is really about methods and how we record the narrative. Do we want to record how the Egyptian government tried to manipulate Facebook and Twitter, or how the business interests of Facebook, Twitter and Google resulted in the [digital] environment being less secure for activists? So there are all sorts of ways to record that and assess it.

то, что мы знаем сегодня о корпорациях и их целях — суть лишь маленький кусочек льда в движущемся прямо на нас айсберге: частный капитал оказался напрямую задействован во всевозможнейших политических и юридических аспектах нашей жизни. более того, это произошло внезапно и случилось без нашего одобрения. и я не уверен, имело ли место хоть когда-нибудь ранее вмешательство подобного масштаба.


  1. мне, с другой стороны, так же очень интересно, как работают во всех трех случаях деньги.  ↩


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