it was a summer that, lying in bed, we wish we had once had

10:29 | 01-08-2013 | Literature | No Comments

роман Джо Мино “Провальное дело мальчика-детектива”, о котором уже писал, все-таки исключительно хорош цитатами[1] — вот еще две, что остались на полях:

Above the dirt of an unmarked grave and beneath the shadow of the abandoned refinery, the children would play their own made up games: Wild West Accountants! in which they would calculate the loss of a shipment of gold stolen from an imaginary stagecoach, or Recently Divorced Scientists! in which they would build a super-collider out of garbage to try and win back their recently lost loves. Together, forever, they would explore the near dark world of wonder and mystery.

и еще, про меня лично:

Her favorite word? Jejune, as in “What they force us to wear as school uniforms is very jejune.”


  1. я не люблю пафос, да. of any sort. но тут, скорее, лишь усталость и боль.  ↩


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