a consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions

08:28 | 12-10-2013 | Games, Literature | No Comments

пробило полночь, наши игрушки оживают:

“Case and Molly” is a prototype for a game inspired by William Gibson’s Neuromancer. It’s about the coordination between the virtual and the physical, between “cyberspace” and “meat”.


“Case and Molly” uses the mechanics and aesthetics of Neuromancer’s account of cyberspace/meatspace coordination to explore this dynamic. It’s a game for two people: “Case” and “Molly”. Together and under time pressure they must navigate Molly through a physical space using information that is only available to Case. Case can see Molly’s point of view in 3D but can only communicate to her by flipping a single bit: a screen that’s either red or green.

ностальгия strikes back.


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