еще быстрее

15:17 | 13-01-2009 | Hardware | 2 Comments

Phoenix Technologies, тем временем, написали все-таки свою операционную систему:

Their product, HyperSpace, besides its instant on abilities will immediately find the strongest free WiFi around and allows you to launch a limited number of programs. It’s all done through virtualization.

а Sony Vaio P (1 + 2), к слову, выглядит и в самом деле симпатично.


2 Responses to “еще быстрее”

  1. s says:

    …и странно:

    I suppose it’s no huge shock, but trying to play most video on the Vaio P was pretty rough. It could handle anything in the resolution ballpark of 320×240 without failure, but 640×480 fullscreen video would lag and 1280×720 video (from vids created on my Kodak Zi6 and from YouTube) would freeze within a few frames. Locally stored, non-HD DivX movies either ran in slow-mo or lost every third frame. The moral of the story: If Sony is going to be adamant about their product not being a netbook, adequate video playback is a must.
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