врожденный порок

13:27 | 18-08-2009 | Literature | 1 Comment

по ссылке от hotgiraffehotgiraffeгардиановский обзор “Inherent Vice”, где ничтоже сумняшеся замахнулись на святое:

You could argue, of course, that Pynchon can deploy as many talking animals and Star Trek jokes as he wishes without putting a dent in his super-highbrow status. I’d have to agree, but I’d also have to point to his latest novel, Inherent Vice, which shows, if nothing else, that his brow is less rigid than is commonly assumed. Arriving as it does on the heels of Against the Day (2006) – 1,085 pages pastiching half-forgotten pulp genres while inviting the reader to contemplate such topics as pre-Einsteinian theories of light – the new book delivers at least two big surprises. The first is that it starts out as a pastiche of a well-known genre, the big-city private eye tale, though with a psychedelic twist: Pynchon’s private eye is a permanently stoned hippie based in southern California, “circa 1970”. The second is that it more or less stays that way, with no sustained excursions into mathematical logic or mind-bending shifts of narrative direction.

ну, и заодно о саундтреке — многие уже скачали и до сих пор слушают, думаю, я же слишком равнодушен к подобному сопровождению.

а в электронном виде книги до сих пор нет, would you believe?


One Response to “врожденный порок”

  1. s says:

    еще один обзор в копилку: http://www.kommersant.ru/doc.aspx?DocsID=1242466

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